Zzz (Beta Squad x Niko)

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How many times?

How many times will it be until, they are smart and responsible enough to fall asleep in their own designated bed?

Not the couch.

Their bed, at least their room?

Every Saturday night after they, usually, upload their weekly YouTube video- they visit each other's house.

It's usually Aj's and Niko's because of their large shared house. It seemed like it was meant for it as well- the home had the most space and bedrooms already prepared for guests. Everyone considered it to be the party house.

It's a proper routine, unlike their unorganized video scheduling- they haven't missed a day since they started.

Because they aren't just filming colleagues. They're best friends.

They're all platonic soulmates.


Niko gently knocked Aj's room before reaching for the doorknob. He opened the door, "..hey Aj. You busy? Can you prepare everything as usual?"

"..huh??" Aj looked back for a split second before returning his attention to the bright screen. He took one of his headphones off his ear.

"Can you prepare everything as usual?" Niko repeated.

"..and why can't you do it? I'm in the middle of a game right now."

"Yeah, and you're going to lose if you don't help me later."

Aj's lips turned into a straight line. "I fucking hate you. You're like my mom. But actually horrible." He groaned and frowned. Aj turned off his monitor and took off his headphones.

"Woah woah, I didn't say you had to turn everything off. You could've finished your game first."

"Oh." Aj stood in front of his gaming chair and desk.


Aj sighed in disappointment, "well, we were going to lose that game anyways."

"Thanks Aj, appreciate it."

"No problem Niko."

They walked down the hall to their living room, Aj grabbed a jacket and crossed his arms.

"No snarky comeback? You okay?"

"Yeah, I just hate Valorant at some times...fucking shit game," he muttered under his breath. "My teammates are just so fucking bad!" He pouted, "I don't know how I'm supposed to be the same rank as them. I'm way better, cause I can't be arsed to carry them to victory-"

Niko continued to listen to his long rant before let out a relieved laugh. 'His bad mood will go away when the mandem come over... right?'


Aj took out the mini fridge in the closet, still ranting about the game. Niko occasionally responded with "yeah?" or "that sucks." He grabbed a mop and a rag to clean up the house and make it presentable.

Aj cleared his throat, grabbing a fizzy drink to relieve his dehydration. "What drinks today?"

"Same as usual? Unless we don't have anymore."

"Aight," Aj grabbed the Pepsi, Cola, water, and Mountain Dew from their large fridge, "snacks?"

"Ice cream, uh anything you think is good." Niko squinted his eyes and scrubbed harder on a spot on the fridge.

Together, they cleaned and cleared up the house. They settled down at the lounge.

"Nice, innit?" Aj showcased all the snacks and drinks he put in the mini fridge.

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