Jokes on You (Beta Squad x Niko)

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Niko woke up cheerfully, ready for the early morning. He stretched out his arms.

He immediately picked up his phone- 30+ notifications from his fans wishing him a happy birthday. He squinted his eyes at the bright screen.

Niko was excited to see what the boys had prepared. He brushed his teeth and hair, changed his clothes, and made his bed.

It made no difference though- all his clothes from the past week were lying on the floor.

Maybe it was because he was in a good mood he decided to clean up after himself.



He rushed down the stairs.

'I guess nobody is awake. What time is it?' Niko thought to himself before picking up his phone.


"Damn!" Niko accidentally said- a little too loud, "I'm early.."

He paused, "I'll make breakfast!"

So he looked up a simple pancake recipe.

It didn't go well, but he expected that.

'That's just some extra flavor..!' Niko looked at the black and burnt piece of flat cake. He sat down and picked away at the burnt food.

Niko listened to the silence and peace that was suddenly abrupted by a loud crash- as if someone's window broke.

Then he heard footsteps coming down.

"Oh! Hey Niko, happy- uh... happy day! It's a nice morning, yeah?...Why are you up so early?" Aj winced at the close call.

"I don't know to be honest," Niko replied chewing the inside parts of his pancake, "Why did you wake up?"

"I smelt your burnt food- thought our house was going to burn down."

"Are the others up yet?" Niko asked, putting his plate away in the sink and throwing away the rest.

"No..not.. Chunkz and Sharky. I think Kenny is though. I'm pretty sure he was in his bathroom, something loud fell."

"Mm. I heard that, yeah. Of course it was Kenny."

"I'm going up and waiting for Chunkz to cook....cause you clearly can't!"

Niko gasped in disbelief at the rude comment. Aj ran up the stairs, proud of his insult.

Aj knocked at Kenny's room, entering it subtlety. "What did you guys plan? And who is the dumbass who made that noise?"

The other 3 boys were gathered in a small circle. Sharky spoke up quietly, "I think we're gonna keep our original plan."

"Nothing else?"

Kenny rubbed his eyes, "I don't know, it's too early to have our idea fully formed." He yawned.

Aj smacked his neck.

"Ow! The fuck?" Kenny yelled still trying to whisper.

"Ay- don't mess up our plan with your beef." Chunkz gave a disapproving look.


"Whose room is Niko least likely to go in? I don't think I can hide all the presents in my room." Kenny sat down on his bed.

"Well- I think it can stay, you have that big closet right?"  Sharky reminded Kenny.

"But- that's not enough-"

"Well it will have to be!"

"Ooh I hav-"

They went silent- they heard Niko's loud footsteps.

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