Everywhere Together (Chunkz x Sharky)

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"My favorite channel is SDS." He said.

He's been saying that.


No matter what Sharky or Chunkz did, they would always have each other's backs.

They've been close since the beginning and started creating videos ever since then. They always supported each other throughout tough and desperate situations.

Together since day one.

Together in the MANDM.

Soft cuddles on the couch, during a session, wherever they could. It's always been easy to show affection with a simple touch.

Chunkz and Sharky had the same humor.

Chunkz's laugh almost always brought him joy.

Sharky's smile and eyes was something he always loved.

They were just meant to meet that day.

Become friends that day.

Maybe even become more later..

"Hey Chunkz! Do you wanna buy lunch with me?"

Sharky and Kenny lived further away from everyone else. They had always taken any opportunity to hanging out.


"Duh Sharky- where to?"


"Fuck yeah! Definitely- let's go." Chunkz grabbed his hoodie and walked outside with Sharky.

"So...how's life been?" Sharky tried to engage in small talk. They practically knew everything about each other but their conversations would never end.

"Good- good. I'm just glad we can talk today."

"Yeah?" Sharky started up the car.


Sharky drove to the nearest Nando's- about 18 minutes away. They had the music blasting to Filly's new song, Grey.

They were almost at their destination.

"You know Chunkz?...I love yo- I mean- wha- I'm glad I've met you. I hope you know that."

"What the hell-" he said in his joking voice, "now is not the time to be sappy. But also..I'm glad I've met you too Sharks."


"And I love you too..."Chunkz continued, mumbling mostly to himself.

They both joyfully sat in the car in silence.

No awkwardness.

"We're here."

"Finally- I am hungry."

Sharky nodded in agreement and stepped out of the car- Chunkz did as well.

They didn't even get to the door before they immediately they both got recognized.

"It's Chunkz and Sharky!!" A young teen said.

"Hi!" Sharky waved to her and the group.

His smile always entranced the others.

"Oh my god! Sharky!!" They all screeched in unison.

Sharky awkwardly chuckled and whispered, "Uh- let's hurry up and go Chunkz."

"Wait! We want pictures. Can we get some?"

Chunkz looked at Sharky, "Sure why not-"

They got closer to the group as one friend took out her phone to snap a photo of everyone else.

Sharky and Chunkz were in the middle as the rest of the girls surrounded them.

Sharky and Chunkz offered a selfie for the left out girl.

"Thank you thank you!! Oh my gosh!"

They were about to walk in as they heard someone ask, "Wait! I have a quick question. Why are you two always together?"

"He's just my best mate," Chunkz said.

"Yeah, he's like my brother!" Sharky said with the biggest smile.

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