Feeling Rejected (Niko x Kenny)

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It was late at night- nothing special.

The house was cold. The other lights were off. It was just the living room that had cool toned lighting. It would seem eerie to walk down in the middle of the night to this.

The rest had gone to bed and Niko and Kenny chose to binge-watch a series.

Kenny was stuffing his mouth with his favorite sweets. It was rare for him to enjoy a moment like this with his friends.

Boxing was strict and tough. But after his victorious fight, he decided to take a small break. His muscles still ached underneath his hoodie, but it would be fine in a few days.

Niko was wearing his NDL hoodie with nothing but boxers on.

It was pure vibes.

"Aren't you cold?" Kenny couldn't help but look at Niko's bottom half.

Niko smirked, "No, why you looking though? Kenny- you're so weird."

"I- hey! You're definitely freezing. I'm cold and I have my hoodie and pajamas on.

"I'm fine." Niko's eyes went back to the large screen.

Kenny got up and went to a random compact closet. He grabbed a medium sized fuzzy blanket, it was large enough to fit- at least, 3 people. He dragged it all the way back to where the taller man sat.

Kenny plopped the blanket on the couch. "Here, cover yourself."

"Oh thanks!" Niko moved the blanket to cover his lap. "Wanna cuddle?"

"Sure- why not?"

Kenny joined him and covered his legs with the blanket. He laid his head on Niko's shoulders. Niko's arms went to Kenny's shoulders.

"This feels mad romantic." Kenny mentioned.

Niko chuckled, "yeah. I bet you like that."

They stayed comfortable in that spot.


"I like how- what's her name-" Niko yawned mid sentence. "I like how Tracey is actually a smart person in comparison to the others. It feels relatable."

"Yeah, she is pretty sma- hey! What do you mean by that?"

"I just somehow surround myself with idiots."

"Mmhmmm... okay."

It was almost 4:00 A.M. Both were exhausted, yet they didn't want to admit it to each other.

"Sharky- I mean Niko." Kenny shook his head, "sorry-"He yawned.

"You tired? You pussio." Niko grinned.

"Nuh uh!" Kenny felt his eyes droop. "I'm just.."

"Go sleep if you need to." Niko checked the clock- his own eyes blurred. "It's basically 4:00."

"4:00? That's actually crazy. Coach would've knocked me out if I had done that during training."

"I think you would knocked yourself out first."

"Maybe." He stifled back a yawn. Kenny stretched his arms and neck, "bruv it hurts from leaning on you. You should've had softer shoulders."

"Why is everything my fault??"

"Cause you're a handsome man." Kenny was about to give in and sleep on Niko. He didn't necessarily realize what he had said.

"Really? You think so? Thanks!" Niko pressed a little kiss on Kenny's cheek.

He froze and Kenny was baffled, "am I asleep or did you just do that?"

"Do what?" Niko cheekily replied.

"You- I swear you just kissed my cheek."

Niko shrugged looking nonchalantly, "I didn't though."

"Oh. Wait- no! You gaslighting bastard!" Kenny didn't know he was able to raise his voice so loud this late into the night.

"Hehehehe..." Niko removed the blanket off of him. "I'm actually so hot right now."

"Ugh, me too."

Kenny lowered the volume and sound on their TV.

"Ice cream?"

"I'm genuinely gonna get a cavity." Kenny rapidly blinked.

"Just brush your teeth before you sleep? And at least we'll get one together," Niko said while walking to the fridge. "Plus, the sugar will boost your energy."

"You're such a bad influence on me." Kenny flashed a grinned. He took the chocolate shell covered vanilla ice cream bar.

"Likewise." Niko licked his lips and dove in.

So, they stood in front of the cold fridge like true adult friends. Niko knew how much of a sweet tooth Kenny had, he wasn't not going to enable it while he was enjoying his time off.

Kenny took his time to lick the ice cream, even while it melted. Niko bit his ice cream in small bites.

"You want this?" Niko teased and waved in front of him.

Kenny grabbed his wrist to stop the movement. Then he angled his mouth and took a small bite of the delicious ice cream.

Kenny frowned when he realized his ice cream was dripping white and was getting on his hand. He licked it off, maintaining seductive eye contact with Niko. "You like that?"

"You missed a little white stuff, right there. Want me to lick it off?"


"Pftt- as if I would..." Niko removed the ice cream off his lips using his hands.


"I fucking love youuu!" Kenny whined while finishing off his ice cream even going as far to clean the stick.

It was 4:30 now.

They both felt the effects of drowsiness.

Niko started mumbling on about random stuff. Kenny intently listened.

It was strange, they both could admit they were tired and go to bed but they stayed in each other's company. It almost felt.. competitive?..as if they were seeing who could outlast the other.


Niko stared in Kenny's eyes. Kenny gave a big smile back and went to hug him.

"Is this all we are?" Niko mumbled while getting suffocated by Kenny's tight hug.

Kenny turned his head, "Hm?"

"Are we just friends?"

"Well, wh-what else would we be?"

"You're right. Sorry- never mind."

"I- I think speaking nonsense, brotha. You're probably just tired, it's really late. You should sleep."

Niko sadly looked down feeling rejected, "alright. You're right. Goodnight then.."

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