Sunset (Chunkz x Sharky)

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It was a monthly tradition.

At every end of month at 11:11 PM.

They hadn't missed it often, well at least they've tried not to. It was something they both looked forward to at the end of every month.

They got to reflect and catch up on their lives and work together- in a secluded environment with an absolutely beautiful view.

Right under a willow tree.


But this one was special, it was set on a slight hill and the sun always set perfectly aligned with the trees.

The stars would twinkle brightly against the dark sky.

The faces would have the sun paint their faces with a slight yellow-ish hue lighting. An amazing contrast to the darkness of the night, and their skin.

Just reminiscing on wholesome memories!

"Hey brotha," Chunkz greeted the older man.

"Hi Chunkz, how've you been? I have so much to talk about!"

Chunkz smiled, "Been doing well, nothing to complain about. The pod's been pretty good lately, lots of fun guests."

"Well then. Let's sit down! I've brought some food if you would like it?" Sharky brought the basket full of food- that included crisps, drinks, and fruit, "And I have coke, your favorite!"

"You know me so well, yeah?"

They sat on opposite sides of the tree trunk.

Sharky eagerly shook his head, grabbing a bag of barbecue chips, "so hey- it's already been a month. I have been waiting forever, it's felt like forever at least! Tell me- what's on your mind?"

"Me and Filly's pod is doing well. Uh- you know the pro clubs have started, that's been fun, y'know Girth N Turf.....also I feel fine, is that weird? Like I'm at an abnormal state of peace I've never felt before...anyways.." Chunkz's paused for a moment, "As you know, Beta Squad has still been well- I'm so excited for our future honestly."

Sharky's loud crunches of his crisps echoed. They chuckled.

Sharky and Chunkz exchanged smiles and glances.

"Ugh, I wish we had more time to talk during the videos. You should stream again! That was fun."

"Hah, it really was! But streaming is just not my thing. You're perfect for it, it's like you were meant for it."

"Stop itttt! You're making me blush," Sharky shyly looked away before finishing his crisps.

"Enough about me Sharky. How have you been?" Chunkz opened the bottle of Cola.

"You know, the usual. Streaming- living life."

"Living life? How's that going?"

"Eating, running, recording, sleeping, repeating! My life feels so boring compared to yours."

"Maybe that's cause you're dead." He spat jokingly.

"Woah! What? To be fair, my main channel really is." He giggled, looking out to the view.

"Hah. Yeah, SDS has been great, by the way. Can't wait for more with you!"

"Ay- you know how it is! Love you man."

"Love you too."



The cold breeze blew into their faces, Sharky shivered, "I should've gotten a jacket before I went out. Niko made sure to text me."

"Wow, making Niko responsible for your life?" Chunkz snickered and took out a bag of grapes, plopping them into his mouth.

Sharky pouted, he reached over and took a grape, "I'm just forgetful!"

"...the night is so nice. I like spending time with you."


No response from Sharky, Chunkz turned his head.

Sharky had a sad expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about what you said earlier- that you've said you feel fine and at an 'abnormal' peace. What happened? What does that mean?"

"Oh! I don't know. I just felt like I had to mention it."

"Have you been okay? Chunkz?"

"Yeah- uh. You're acting a little weird right now.." Chunkz saw Sharky's staring face.

"Chunkz? Are you sure you're okay?" He insisted, getting closer to Chunkz.

"Yeah- dude. What the fuck?"



"Sorry! Sorry," Sharky broke the awkward silence with a smile and laugh, he got next to Chunkz and layed down, "come! Lay down with me."

"This...this seems weirdly intimate."

"Maybe it is!" Sharky winked.

They layed down for a while- occasional jokes, glances, motions, sighs, laughter, and deep breaths.

"I miss you Sharky."

"You mean you've missed me?" He reached out to hold his hand.

"No. I miss you."


"Cause you're fake. You're in my head. I just can't stop fucking thinking about you."



"At least you're aware. I'm glad. I'm glad you've finally accepted it. You say you feel fine? That isn't weird. You're finally in a state of peace after the incident? I'm so so so happy for you." Chunkz said to himself, mimicking as if Sharky was saying it.


And just like that.

Their monthly routine was gone.

Sharky would be missing it.

Every month.

Every year.

Never again will Chunkz see him.


Chunkz choked up on his thought.

"I'm..sorry. Just know I'm sorry Chunkz. Really. I didn't want it to end up like this."

The sun was setting and Sharky's presence disappeared.

Chunkz looked down and felt the tears threatening to fall down.

He sighed, "..and just like the're gone. Again."

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