Mmmmmm Chocolates (Beta Squad)

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Every year the Beta Squad buys and gets each other gifts.

On Valentine's Day.

For Valentine's Day.

As they say, "love is in the air!"

Chunkz and Aj had prepared homemade chocolates for everyone in their studio. Well- Aj said he helped.

"It's Valentine's Day, huh?" Kenny remarked as he took one chocolate, "is this like a brownie?"

"Well, I wouldn't know- ask Chunkz." Aj replied.

"Wait, but I thought you helped prepare them?" Kenny curiously asked as he took a small bite, eating almost half of the treat.

"I- well-" Aj struggled to find words.

Kenny grinned, of course he knew Aj didn't help.

"It's pretty good though!"

"Yeah? I'll try one myself then."

Aj offered another one to Kenny before he grabbed a piece for himself. Kenny declined though.

Kenny softly smiled, "Go give it to Sharky and Niko- I think they'll like it..."

"Sooo? What do you think?" Kenny continued.

"Mhmm! It's not bad actually," Aj took another piece.

"Yeah thanks Aj!"

"Nah thank Chunkz, he practically did all the work.."

"That was obvious..he's a master baker. He's a pro- he wouldn't need you."

"Ouch- that hurt my feelings Kenny!" He sadly joked.

Kenny smiled, he was going to go for a hug.

And Aj already knew- he saw it in his eyes. So, Aj grabbed Kenny before he could himself and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Awhh!! I love you too Aj!"

"Fuck no...."

These little actions by Aj are really appreciated by Kenny. He knows how much he doesn't like physical touch, but he's still willing to make Kenny feel happy.

"Thank you Aj-"

"Eh? For what?"

"I..don't know. I just felt like saying it!"

"You're such a....softie sometimes."

"I'm not supposed to be soft- I'm a boxer I need to be tough? Hard?"


"Ayo! Pause!"

"Wait- not fucking like tha-" Kenny cut himself off by his laughing. He latched even harder on Aj.

Aj was still laughing while he attempted to let go of the hug, "alright! I'll go deliver these chocolates to the rest then."

Kenny finally released him, "Okay. Bye then. Love you!"

"Yeah yeah. Love you too..." Aj said quietly- smiling and rolling his eyes.

Aj walked away while Kenny tried to find Chunkz.

Aj found them huddling, "Guess who?"

"It's my favorite rat!" Sharky exclaimed.

"Eww Aj...!" Niko pretended to be disgusted. He then saw the clear bag with, seemingly chocolates, Aj was holding, "..Ooo what's that?"

"Nah you're not getting one now that you lot violated me."

Confused- Sharky asked, "Wait- what is that?"

"Chocolate brownie thing."

Sharky and Niko gasped in unison.

"Yeah! They're really good too." Aj smirked, he moved the bag away from them.

"Wait!! Aj- come on man!" Sharky whined, "I was just kiddinggggg!"

"I want one!"

"Nah fuck you guys!"


"Fine! I don't want it anymore anyways. You probably touched it all over with your small rat hands."

"Well, Niko. It was Chunkz who made it- I'll give all of it to Kenny. He actually appreciated me!"

"C'mon Ajjj...just one try! Give it to me not Niko-"

"What? Sharky how could you do this to me-" Niko dramatically cried out, "I thought we were friends- close ones. I thought we had something special...! You betrayed me, the NDL leader....biggest menace!- Mayor of London!"


Aj stared at the taller man.

"Okay stop waffling. Here you go."

Sharky and Niko quickly grabbed one before Aj could take it back.

"Chunkz is such a good baker. Oh my goodness-" Sharky devoured the small piece in one bite, already reaching for a second one in the plastic bag.

"This is good! I should never doubt Chunkz baking," Niko licked his lips and also took another piece, "Where is that guy anyways?"

Aj sneaked one piece into his mouth, "he's over there with Kenny," he said- he covered his mouth to speak while chewing.

"Well, let's go over there then."

The boys ran over to Chunkz.

Kenny put his arms around Chunkz's and Niko's shoulders, "Hey! Everyone's here."

"Chunkz- what did you put in those chocolates. Why are they that good?!"

All of them were basically begging for a recipe. So Chunkz explained how he did it, he said he would type the full recipe he made in their group chat.

"But yeah. Thanks guys, I'm glad you enjoy them."

Sharky raised his eyebrows, "Who's going to take the rest?"


"Uh yeah anyways.. happy Valentine's guys!" Kenny was cuddling in both Niko's and Sharky's arms now.

"I'm done being lonely and single." Aj complained.

Niko agreed, "but- well, at least we're all together."


"I want more chocolates..."

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