I Hate Him (Sharky x Aj)

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"It seems like you and Sharky don't like each other." Chunkz remarked, he seemed disappointed.

"Yeah," Aj paused, contemplating if he should say his opinion. "No offense to your friend, but he's mad annoying."

Chunkz frowned, but nodded understandingly and patted his back. "Maybe you'll warm up to him soon. He's just a little louder sometimes, but I swear to you- he's funny, caring, and affectionate."

"Ugh I hate loud people- and I hate physical touch."

"Woah. Now that- that is something I didn't know. How come? If you don't mind me asking.."

"I don't know. It's just an uncomfortable feeling."

Chunkz swiftly moved his hand away from his shoulder, "oh shit, sorry then brotha."

"Don't worry about it. It's fine when it's you."

He grinned.

"Oh I'm going to go home now. I need to eat." Aj checked his watch.

"Okay! Take care."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Mhm," Chunkz waved him goodbye.

Aj walked home.


Wow it was the early beginning of a new YouTube group called the Beta Squad. A group of 5 young aspiring men. 3 out of 4 other people, he knew he was going to be great friends with.



And Chunkz.

Chunkz introduced him to the others, they seemed to have an amazing vibe and similar humor.

But for some reason Aj just didn't like Sharky.

He didn't like his handsome face.. or his likable personality.. or his permanent smile.. or maybe it was his dominant and sweet voice.

He rolled his eyes, and this Sharky dude lives so closely to his home as well. How annoying.

'I bet he parties all day... I hate people like this.' Aj sighed as he turned his keys to unlock his front door.



Aj took out the phone in his pocket.

A new message from Sharky 😐.

[ Sharky 😐 ]

Today 5:10 P.M.

ajjjjj!!! ur back home already?
how come?
oh well- im coming home if
u wanna hang out today
I'm free btw
Read 5:12

sure if you wanna ig
your home or mine??

well icl, my house is kinda messy lmao 😅
is it fine if we go urs?

lemme prep first

alr otw!!
Read 5:14

"Stupid dumb optimistic idiot." Aj muttered. He groaned, why did he agree to this?

Aj hoped Sharky would get hit by a car on the way crossing the street.

No.. that was too brutal. Hopefully he would find a really cute cat and begin chasing it down the road.

And accidentally forget to carry on to their plan.

Aj cleaned up his room. He wiped down the tables and floors.


"I fucking hate this dude.." Aj quietly sighed before greeting the smiling man.

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