REQUEST- Forgiveness is Key (Sharky x Kenny)

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Thank you for the request! 😄🩷

A heated disagreement between Sharky and Kenny occurred because of lack of communication.

Aj, Chunkz, and Niko avoided them to make sure they communicated with each other about their distress.

They shouldn't be going to bother the other Beta Squad members for their argument.


How did this happen?

In preparations for Beta Squad's latest video, Sharky stopped doing all the little actions Kenny loved.

Of course, Sharky didn't understand how important those little texts, candy, and other things were to him.

And because they never discussed them, Kenny just got used to being 'spoiled.' He was too normalized to Sharky's kindness.

Kenny thought something happened between them. He ran through all the memories they had the previous week.

He didn't seem mad to Kenny.


But, obviously, a change in the air happened.

It was also affecting the videos, Kenny didn't give his all during one of the recordings. The boys knew.

Even Sharky.

Sharky waved him over. "Hey are you okay Ken? You didn't seem to be giving your energy."

"Huh? You're asking me if I'm okay? I'm fine."

Kenny secretly wanted Sharky to notice the mood change.

"Um okay." Sharky walked away.

He avoided any confrontation with him.

He allowed him to leave.


"What the fuck is up with him.." Kenny angrily mumbled to himself, "..fucking confusing weirdo."

Sharky was unaware. He had checked in with Kenny and got the answer he expected.

In their relationship, they had already gone over the expectations and 'rules.'

Kenny had said if he seemed pissed off to allow him to cool off.

So Sharky did just that.

It still felt wrong.

"But I'm doing this because I respect his boundaries," Sharky said to himself and repeated it in his head.

So why did Kenny expect him to talk?- To demand him to know what's wrong?

Why did Kenny expect that?

Kenny didn't know himself, his mind knew he shouldn't have waited for Sharky to come back and ask him.

His heart felt otherwise.

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