Is It The End For Us? (Niko x Sharky)

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"So this is it, hm?" Niko was kneeling on the cold hard ground, arms in the air as a sign of surrounding. Sweat was falling from his hairline's side. Sharky had his gun pointed toward his head.

"You deserve it, you prick." Sharky hissed out. He had no hint of remorse in his eyes.

Niko had betrayed Sharky. It crossed any friend boundaries they had set. Honestly, Sharky would've never believed it. He would've thought that in all the years of their friendship and talking, Niko would never dare.

"..alright alright. I get it."

"Do you though? You didn't seem to understand when you did what you did." Sharky glared, he pushed the barrel of the gun closer to his skull.

Niko nervously gulped, "not a sign of giving up, eh?"

"Never." He gritted his teeth. "I can't believe it. You really did that?"

It was a rhetorical question. Sharky knew the answer to that. But all Niko could do is nod. Everyone snitched on him- in fact Sharky wasn't the only one being betrayed. There was no point in denying it. It would only make the other man more angry.

Niko didn't like the way anger contorted Sharky's face. He was set on one thing and one thing only- to punish the tall asshole.

"... you sure about this? I mean-"

"I appreciate you trying to talk your way out- but sorry to disappoint, you won't."

Niko looked to the side, examine the gun. He could see the bullets. They looked ready to fire.


"If you don't shut up- I'll shooting you right now."

"Why delay? Do it. I dar-" And so Sharky pulled the trigger.

It happened oh so fast. Niko felt his head fall to the floor.  And then he heard Sharky follow up with multiple more shots to his body.

'Am I ever going to survive this?' Niko questioned to himself. He closed his eyes in pain.

Sharky watched him, his body still twitched when he shot him the other 4 times on his torso and legs. 'Maybe next time he'll learn." He stayed to watch the blood spill out of his head.



Only a few seconds passed. And unfortunately for Sharky, there would be no blood shed or actual violence.

"..Sharky.. this nerf gun hurts!" Niko whined. "Why does it actually hurt?!"

Sharky crossed his arms in disappointment, "I don't wanna be mean and say I wished it was real. But I wish it was."

"Relaxxxx Sharky! I'll just buy you another blanket. I didn't even mean to spill Kenny's protein shake on it! I swear."

"Whatever! Your lanky arms and stupid brain spilled it. I don't get why you even took it."

"Well- I- they said you didn't mind sharing it for the Beta Squad game night!" Niko huffed and got up from the ground. He picked up the left over nerf bullets and scratched his head.

"..actually- oh. Yeah that's right."


"Well, I didn't appreciate that you didn't ask again." Sharky grinned. "It's okay Niko. I forgive you."

"..pftt as if I need your forgiveness." Niko muttered under his breath in a sarcastic tone.

"Hm? What'd you say?"

"Nothing! Nothing. I'm just super hot right now.." Niko  stood on his feet and assessed the area and the damage they caused. The rug seemed a little messed up, the couch was tilted, his blanket was in the washer, and Niko was slightly out of breath.

Sharky placed his nerf gun down on the couch and walked over to the kitchen counter. He looked in the fridge. "Water?"

"Yeah, water. Thanks."

They managed to get a couple sips before Sharky met Niko's eyes and Niko met Sharky's. It was almost as if they read each other's minds. The taller man watched Sharky run away screaming in terror for the act that was going to happen.

Niko ran to the couch and picked up the gun, putting in the bullets very quickly.

"Your turn Sharky!" He yelled and chased after the laughing man.

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