Cupcakes (Chunkz x Sharky)

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"I forgot the fucking milk!"


Chunkz liked to think he held himself to a standard higher than anyone else he knew. He had a planned schedule that he checked every morning when he woke up. No event would go under his radar, in fact he made sure to set many and many alarms before the time actually came.

It didn't matter who, when, where, what. He made sure to show the effort of his presence.

It was Chunkz' and Sharky's anniversary. Chunkz loved to show his appreciation by baking a sweet treat, or sometimes a feast, for his dear Sharky.

Normally people would cook their foods together in honor of spending so much time together. But Chunkz loved to privately prepare the meals because he knew how late Sharky would wake up.

It would be a bother and making the other man angry did not suit his agenda. Yeah, Sharky was extremely grumpy in the mornings (well compared to Chunkz.) Chunkz could wake up without a care while Sharky would grumble a bit and turn over to sleep a little bit longer.

The rest of the Beta Squad however... maybe Sharky wasn't as extreme after all.

Chunkz loved to turn on some music during the time he cooked, whether or not it'll be early morning or the late afternoon.

Turn up the music!

Actually, maybe not too loud. Sharky would be still be sleeping.

The thing about mornings is that typically sane people wouldn't torture themselves to go out in the unpredictable UK weather. So, therefore, there is a less chance of fan encounters.

Chunkz didn't hate fan interactions but it definitely got more annoying the more he grew. People even admitted that they didn't know him but still wanted a picture because 'there was a large crowd! I'm sure someone I know knows you. No offense man.'

It was easier for grocery shopping. Chunkz loved grocery shopping, with some headphones, no list- all off the top of his mind- his phone in the pocket of his hoodie, and his hood on top his durag.

Peace was something Chunkz didn't usually get when he's with the Beta Squad or his 'admirers.'

Plus the cashiers are usually overworked, underpaid young teenagers. They're too depressed to even give a slight fuck about who this YouTuber guy was.


He got in the car to go to Tesco. He repeated the ingredients out loud in the silence of his car.

"Eggs, flour, milk, more butter, sugar and salt.. I already have sugar, salt, and flour at home. I need vanilla extract.."

He parked and got out, grabbing his ingredients and quickly returning back to his house.

It may seem as if all he does is cook for his boys, but there's plenty more to it. Sure, quality time together is his love language, but he's a good chef. He knows that. He definitely loves to do stuff behind the scenes that fans would never see.

He opened and closed the door, took off his shoes, removed the hood on his head, and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh shit.." he paused "I forgot the fucking milk!" He sighed to himself and returned back to car to go back one more time.



It was getting later in the morning. Chunkz was hoping Sharky wouldn't wake up before.

"Cake? Or cupcake.. hmmm... I think cupcake." Chunkz spoke to himself. Sometimes he wonders if he's the only one who does that, talk to himself like he's crazy.

He got out the cupcake tray, and the rest of his ingredients to the recipe.

All purpose flour, butter, sugar, salt, baking powder, vanilla, and oil.

He whipped the eggs and added sugar. Then he mixed the remaining dry and wet ingredients separately, like one does. After that, he added his dry mixture.


Eventually he put the cupcakes in the oven. He heard footsteps from upstairs.


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