Caught Red-Handed (Sharky x Aj)

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Awkward- by SZA

(Same lyric idea as before 🩷 The sentences written out like this: 'I made it awkward,' are the lyrics)

It was supposed to be an innocent nap.

Aj was jet lagged from his flight back to Britain after his video shooting with the AMP squad, who was all the way back in America.

The whole day was full of fun, yet Aj's energy depleted pretty quickly. He was content when he came back home, ready to spend the next week by himself in his room.

Aj shut his door after entering.

He was so exhausted that he thought he would immediately go to his room to sleep. He was going to sleep, but he washed himself before touching his sheets.

Aj got out of the shower and changed into his pajamas, a white shirt and black plaid pants. The weather was changing, it was extremely hot now. Aj turned on his fan and changed the settings before getting in his bed.


Aj randomly awoke, it checked the clock above his bed. It said it was 2:00 A.M, Aj rolled around in his trying to get comfortable again. He was tired but he couldn't sleep right away.

A couple minutes later he heard his door creak.

Aj turned over to face the door. He was curious as to why someone would enter his room. He squinted his heavy eyes.


What would he want?

He walked closer to his bed, "Aj?" He said quietly.

"Aj? You awake?" He whispered again.

Aj was tempted to speak, but he was curious how Sharky would respond if he didn't. He pretended to be asleep.

Suddenly- Sharky moved closer and grabbed his hand.

Aj tried to act limp.

Sharky kissed his hand, then gently placed it down. He moved closer to his forehead and placed a quick peck.

"Good night, princess." Sharky mumbled. He seemed very tired, yet it seemed as if it was a daily routine.

'It was worth it, I would do it again.'

..He caught Sharky kissing him while he was supposed to be asleep.

Aj felt his heart race. 'What the fuck was that about?' 'Why is my heartbeat getting so fast?' All these thoughts ran through in his mind.

'This is more than a friendship.'

Sharky stared at the smaller 'asleep' man. He smiled.

Aj squirmed around in his blanket, making a tired grunt.

Sharky froze, "...Aj?"

"Aj? He repeated. "..Aj? You aren't pretending to be asleep, right?" He said under his breath.

"..mmm...." Aj snuggled in his bedsheets.

'Now I made it awkward.'

Sharky felt himself cringe. "..shit- did you catch me?"

Aj decided to ignore his extra comments and allow Sharky to get out hastily.

After realizing Aj was probably just sleeping- Sharky sighed, in relief it seemed. He never sped walk out there as quickly as he did that night.


Aj laid in bed, eyes still shut. His brain was panicking.
'Does he do that every night??'

The next morning Aj was able to fully comprehend what had happened. He tried to act how he normally did, but he saw Sharky in a new light- a new perspective.


"Hm?" Aj tilted his head, mouth full of his favorite cereal.

"What time did you go to sleep? Were you awake last night?"

Silence covered the room for a bit. Aj's crunching was all that could be heard.

'You know, you know I make it awkward.'

"Uh.. I- I went in bed at like 12:30-ish? Why?" Aj questioned, even though he knew the answer.

"Oh. Did you wake up at the middle of the night?"

"No..? Why?" Aj stopped and gasped, "did you do something??" He acted as if he didn't know.

Sharky smiled, "oh! No..." he replied shyly.


'Still it was worth it, I would do it again.'

From that day forward Aj wouldn't ask or even mention anything about what he did at night, before bed.

It was Aj's secret.

Maybe if they got together, he would tell Sharky about what happened that faithful night.

'Can we still love on each other?'

'Can we still touch on each other?'

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