Idiot. (Chunkz x Aj)

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Aj must've slipped on something because when he woke up, he was on the floor. His back was wet and stung in pain.

He curled up, loud crunches echoed in the silent hallway. He placed his hands on the floor and immediately flinched them off.


He realized his back was soaked in...blood?

"..shit what the hell did I do?" Aj stumbled to get up, shutting his eyes. Aj opened them dazed, his head hurt too.

Everything hurt.

Later, he came to the conclusion that he had to have knocked down the glass vase on the cabinet next to him.

He laid still on the floor- debating his life choices and pondering about the solution. He yawned, after all this- he was still tired.

Aj chuckled to himself like a psychopath before falling asleep.



He woke up to a girlish high-pitched scream.

"What the fuck?! Aj??"

Aj lifted his head and looked behind him.

Oh, it's just Chunkz.

"Aj?!!" He screeched again.

"..mmm yeah?"

"Why are on the floor? Why is there blood? Why is there broken pieces of glass? Are you okay? Why were you asleep snoring? Are you fucking mad?"

Aj was in a daze, "too many questions!" He rolled his eyes and brought his head back down to the spiky floor.

"Aj...are you mentally stable? Are you an idiot? What the actual fuck?"

Aj bit his cheek, "I hope I am."

Chunkz stared and examined the situation. The vase that was on top of the wooden cabinet was gone, Aj was on the floor, it was a mess.

"Uh- anyways, so about this..."

"Yes?!" Chunkz sounded exasperated, he slammed the door shut, "what do I do? Do you need a hospital?"

"Nah just leave me here to bleed out.." he sarcastically retorted, "yes I need a damn hospital!"

"Don't you have a phone?? Why didn't you call them?"

"I don't have my fucking phone, why else would I be lying down here like a bitch?"

"Okay okay, I'll call them...does your head hurt? Can you explain what happened?"

"I dunno man. I'm feeling pretty tired right now. Maybe later?"

"Do not fall asleep."

"....its not like I'm trying to..."

"Are you dying- can you wait longer?? I don't think I should call them. I'll just carry you to my car." Chunkz was speaking too quick for Aj's brain to properly process.

"I'm dying!!" Aj cried out with a big grin on his face, "ay if I do die, tell the rest of the boys I love them."

"You won't die. Trust me."

"I hope I do." He mumbled.


"..never mind!"

It felt like a fever dream- one that was extra chaotic and painful.

Aj felt himself being carried into a car, landing on the roughly textured beach towel. He opened his mouth to complain, but there were other problems to deal with.

He closed his eyes.

When Aj next woke up he was in the hospital stretchers, laying on his stomach, a hole was there for his face to breathe.

He closed his eyes again.

Now Aj was in the hospital's bed, Chunkz was on the phone with a group of people.

"..and Aj was just joking the whol..." Chunkz glanced over at Aj, "Oh! He's awake. Say hi, Aj."


A mixture of voices responded back.

Chunkz pulled his phone back to his ear, "Alright, he woke up, come here to this hospital. We'll talk more there."


"Okay bye, love you guys. See you soon." Chunkz hung up and placed his phone in his pocket.

"Was that Niko, Kenny, and Sharky?"

"Yeah, I had to tell them why I wasn't at the house, and why there were bloodstains."

"Sorry I was feeling silly."

"Are you actually okay? You've been acting weird."

"Yeah. Yes. I'm fine now. Did they remove the glass?"

"They said there was a lot of pieces, they practically wrapped your body with bandages. It was crazy."

"I feel a lot better now."

"That's good."



Aj itched his neck, "I wonder what would've happened if you didn't show up."

"You'd be dead, that's what would've happened."

"That's nice. I owe you my life man, thanks a bunch."

"You're lucky, nobody would've expected a short 4'10, triangle schmuck to survive that- but then again.. you are an experimentation rat."

"Go die."



"Can you tell me what happened? I was worried y'know."

"Okay so...."

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