episode 13

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"Rajeev sir," Radha remarked, adding that she had to go since she was finished with her duties and her husband was expected home this evening." I would arrive the next morning."


"Today's sky is quite gloomy, and tonight might bring torrential downpour Before retiring to bed, Gowthami covers the windows to stop water from dripping into your bed."

"I'm going to lock the openings before stepping into, all right, aunty."

After giving them the instructions, Radha departed.

since Gowthami was driven home by Rajeev. Radha used to spend the nights in Rajeev's home with Gowthami in order to prevent the inhabitants from criticizing Rajeev's activities. Additionally, every three months, Radha's ex-city worker husband spends a week in the hamlet before going back to the city. Radha went to her house since her husband was returning after a three-month absence.

Gowthami and Rajeev returned to their mattresses to sleep. A strong breeze pulled Gowthami's locked window open, letting raindrops fall on her and the bed. Gowthami attempted to shut the windows, but it was difficult due to the persistent rain.

"Holy God, what is this strong wind, and what should I do, the doors won't shut?"

Rajeev was completely sleeping when he heard some noises and immediately hurried to Gowthami's room to look into them. To assist Gowthami, who was having trouble closing the windows, Rajeev hurried to the scene.

"Hey Rajeev, if you're here, could you please assist me with closing this window?".

Both were prosperous. Since Gowthami had shut the windows since it had begun to rain, Rajeev had observed her becoming wet.

"Hey, Gowthami, you're all soaked; quickly change, or you'll get cold."

"I'll change right away," Gowthami told herself as she turned to go after saying "ok Rajeev" to herself.

After carefully examining the area, Rajeev said, "I believe that the room has been thoroughly soaked."

The fact that the bed was wet was obvious to Rajeev.

He had a plan: I would tell Gowthami to sleep in my room while I slept in the corridor since she couldn't sleep on this bed because it was entirely soaked.

After getting ready, Gowthami went to Rajeev's of bumping a towel over her hair.
Rajeev saw that Gowthami was wearing a bathrobe when he first met her.

"Why are you wearing a bathrobe, and what just happened?"

"The garment rack nearest to the window really got drenched because of how strongly the wind and rain were blowing. I had to change into my bathrobe since my clothes were already wet."

As Rajeev requested Gowthami to put on clothing because he could no longer stand to watch her in her pajamas, his breathing became laborious.

"Gowthami, put on your clothing."

"What clothing should I wear right now?"

She was taken by the hand and brought to Rajeev's clothes rack by him.

"You should get dressed right away; pick out what you want to wear."He then exited the space.

"Are you all dressed up now?"In the end, Rajeev confronted Gowthami and asked her questions.

"Rajeev, feel free to come in."

Rajeev laughed when he saw Gowthami dressed in his clothes.

"Gowthami, you look absolutely ridiculous in that outfit".

"Ha ha ha,"

He found Gowthami's dress to be peculiar.

Gowthami was taken aback when Rajeev started to jeer her.

"You're making fun of me, Rajeev, and I'll kill you if you keep it up."

As she drew nearer, her long trousers unintentionally brushed across his leg, and she sprang forward to assault him.


The ache then hit Rajeev. Rajeev and Gowthami had a connection.As soon as he saw her thus close, Rajeev started looking mesmerizingly into her eyes.

When they heard thunder, Gowthami was terrified and tightly gripped Rajeev. Because of this activity, Rajeev's body was out of control, so he carefully surrounded Gowthami with his hands before beginning to kiss her and placing his hands on her. Gowthami also started kissing him. Rajeev was mesmerized by how beautiful and amazing her physique was, with proportions like models.

Rajeev started a soft neck kiss to show her how much he loved her. She surrendered herself completely to Rajeev since she loved him so deeply. Their body armor started to gradually come apart from them.After a lengthy period of foreplay during which he progressively merged his body with hers, Rajeev's hands began to go into uncharted territory. The first time they had sex, Gowthami was first a little hesitant but rapidly warmed up to him. Then they started giving each other tender kisses and nibbles. She received a forehead kiss from Rajeev, who then put them both to sleep. They were both exhausted.

The whole night it rained heavily. When they woke up the next morning, Rajeev discovered Gowthami asleep next to him. Slowly, feeling a little awkward in front of Gowthami, he thought back to the previous night.
Gowthami slowly got out of the bed she shared with Rajeev and faced him.

There was a brief period of silence.

The unsettling stillness was soon broken by Rajeev."I'm sorry, Gowthami. I ought to have been able to restrain myself last night. I am really sorry for what I did."

"I don't think back on the night before. Since I adore you so much, Rajeev, I'm happy to give myself to you.

Rajeev said "Let's get married, Gowthami," as swiftly as he could."I have to marry you now."

Gowthami was ashamed, so she proceeded slowly.

"Gowthami, what happened just now?"As soon as he was given permission to speak with her, Rajeev inquired and raced over to see how she was doing.

Gowthami wrapped herself in the bedsheet and hurried into the restroom. Rajeev looked at the bed after being startled.

In search of true heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora