episode 46

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"Rajeev helps me advance this." Gowthami requested Rajeev for assistance while she was pressing the stone into the mountain.

Rajeev started pushing it immediately, and in the end, they were successful. When they learned what was inside the mountain, they were astounded.

Rocks on all sides obstructed the entrance to the mountain, where Gowthami stood.
"Gowthami, be careful" . Rajeev immediately yanked Gowthami out of the path.

Rajeev is abruptly struck by Gowthami, and they both tumble to the ground. He rolled her away, and while he was still holding Gowthami in his arms, a large stone appeared out of the mountain.

Rajeev hurried because if he hadn't pushed Gowthami away from the entryway, the stone that was about to strike them would have struck them.

The massive rock collided with the tree in front of it, causing the tree to fall to the ground due to the weight of the stone.

Rajeev and Gowthami's faces were so close together that a little motion may have resulted in a kiss. They were quite intimate with one another, their bodies resting on top of one another.

"Are you alright?" Rajeev asked her urgently.

Rajeev could obviously hear Gowthami's quick heartbeat. Rajeev Breath was lying on her face."Yes, I am," she mutely said.

When she talked, Rajeev's nose were flooded with her natural body scent, which he found quite charming. Her beautiful eyes were straining, her red lips quivering, and he felt a dread set in. Her red lips were plainly visible to Rajeev, who approached her gently to plant a kiss since he was eager to taste them right now.

Gowthami closed her eyes without hesitation since she was certain of Rajeev's next move.

Rajeev tasted Gowthami's lips meticulously and gave her a deep kiss, seemingly unable to remove his lips from hers. He eventually realized that she was having trouble breathing, so he gently parted her lips.

Rajeev released her lips, and Gowthami inhaled deeply and caressed his chest. Her power was drained by his passionate kiss.

Rajeev said in a quiet voice, "How's it?"

Brushing in Gowthami's shy cheeks.
Suddenly, they heard branches shattering.
As soon as Rajeev and Gowthami realized they were in the jungle, they got to their feet and quickly looked about.

As they pushed the stone through, the entrance in the center of the mountain opened, but it was totally covered with stone, making it impossible to enter.

When Gowthami found out why this road was blocked, she was astonished.

"Do you know of any other entrance to this mountain?" Rajeev asked as he looked about him for a way.

"No, Rajeev. This is the only entry that I am aware of, based on my memory."

Remembering Rudra's words, Rajeev says, "I have to come to you myself before you can reach me."

Yes, all of this was done by Rudra; once Rajeev, Ram, and Gowthami left, he filled the way with stones and barricaded it so that no one could find the community.

Gowthami is working very hard to remember everything that will help her get into the community.

With a sorrowful expression, Rajeev said, "Gowthami, we can't reach them; perhaps all of our avenues are closed."

Gowthami remarked, "Rajeev, let me think. We could figure out a method."

"Gowthami, it is pointless since we are unable to contact them because all paths are closed."

When Gowthami heard it, she was distraught.

"Don't worry, we'll locate them quickly. Approaching Dharmagiri," Rajeev remarked, "Let's get back quickly before the sun goes up."

Following Gowthami's approval, they both went back to Dharmagiri.


When Abhi got back to Dharmagiri, he summoned Sashi to take care of Ram.

After examining Ram, Sashi asked abhi, with a puzzled expression, "what had happened to him."

"While working push-ups, he felt comatose."

"How are pushups done?, How can he fall comatose for doing pushups?" Sashi said. "What was his number?" glancing over at Ram.

Abhi took a long breath and said, "Well, he did almost fifty, but while he was doing pushups, I sat on him."

Sashi questioned Abhi, looking enraged, "Are you crazy? You were sitting on his back and you forced him do push-ups."

"Don't you ask precisely why did I do that?" shouted an enraged Abhi.

"What actually happened?" Sashi said, glancing at her spouse.

Abhi started to narrate everything, from Gowthami's late-night departure from the home to Rajeev and Ram's punishment of him.

When Sashi heard her husband's comments, she felt awkward since they were making fun of abhi.

"Hey, abhi, I want to watch your dance even," Sashi said with a giggle. "They forced you to dance a monkey's way."

With a glare in her direction, Abhi lost his temper and was about to say something when Sashi offered him a brief wink.
He couldn't understand why Sashi winked at Abhi.

With a sidelong glance at Ram, Sashi said, "You guys really have me impressed.
Ha ha ha.
It's so funny that you should film it on video."

Ram sprang to his feet right away and added, "Sister, don't worry, I made a video that you can watch."

Ram stood up instantly, which surprised Abhi. Abhi now understood that Ram was only playing unconscious, when before he had thought that Ram was really unconscious.

Immediately, Sashi saw that Ram was behaving as if he were unconscious, and she was wondering why.
Sashi said such things with the intention of demonstrating that Ram was acting after she discovered the true motivation for his performance. Ram got to his feet immediately, as was to be expected.

Abhi and Sashi shot angry glances at Ram.
"Why are they staring at me with anger?" Ram wondered himself.

When he saw the angry look on Sashi's and abhi's faces, he slowly remembered that he had gotten up. "Oh my gosh, I just introduced myself."
He feigned to be unconscious while he experienced depression once again.

Ram reacted funny, so Sashi chuckled and added, "You already got up and revealed yourself, so it won't work twice."

"Are you kidding me again? "Abhi was very angry and reached for a knife that was closer to him." I swear, if you don't get up, I'll murder you immediately."

When he realized his efforts would be in vain, Ram slowly got to his feet, smiled weirdly, and said, "pee kaa boo".

Sashi roared with laughter.

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