episode 36

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Gowthami discovered she was in Rajeev's room when she woken up.
"Where am I and how did I return?"

She attempted to get up gradually, but as she did so, a piercing pain shot through her brain.

"It hurts, ho" . She fiercely clenched her skull.

She made an effort to recall what had transpired and how she had gotten to Rajeev's place.

She recalled that she had gone into the bush with Rajeev and Ram and had seen a lot of things there, including her town. She eventually returned on a ship during an emergency, although she subsequently lost more memory.

She hunted for Rajeev and Ram but found them nowhere; she is alone herself in her room.

She turned to gaze at the IV drip hooked to her hand. She had extreme weakness.She attempted to stand.

Suddenly, her room's doors cracked and a stunning lady entered.

'Now that you're awake, how do you feel? Do you hurt?"

When Gowthami first encountered her, she had no idea who this woman was or why she was staying at Rajeev's home.

It was the first time she had ever seen a female in a Rajeev home, so she was quite shocked to find such a lovely girl there.

"What are you doing in my place of residence?, who are you as well? , and where the heck is Rajeev?" Gowthami questioned the girl right away.

With a smile, the girl continued, "So you're searching for my Rajeev."

Gowthami felt a bit envious and anxious about her Rajeev. Gowthami was highly offended by her remarks and pondered 'why she was referring to my Rajeev as her.'

"Who are you and why are you referring to my Rajeev as yours" , Gowthami said in a tone of calm rage.

The girl kept grinning and kept her gaze fixed on Gowthami. She said, "You look really, really beautiful."

"What are you doing in my home, and where are Rajeev and Ram?" Gowthami began yelling out Rajeev's name and Ram right away.

'Hey, calm down. What's up with you?", The girl was a bit anxious about Gowthami's response.

While Rajeev and Ram were in the hallway having a conversation, they overheard Gowthami yelling.

Ram and Rajeev stormed into the room right away.
Their voice was alarmed, asking what had occurred.

She took off her IV drip as soon as she spotted Rajeev,  Gowthami was really snug, then she ran to give him a tight embrace.

Her abrupt behavior startled Rajeev, who inquired in a worried manner as to what had transpired.

Gowthami addressed the girl right away, "Who is she and what is she pursuing in our residence?" and poked her finger in her direction.

Puzzled, Rajeev and Ram stared at the girl, then at Gowthami.

The guy who entered the room and witnessed Gowthami giving Rajeev a strong embrace while poking a finger at another lady inquired as to what had transpired.

Gazing at the girl, Rajeev said, "Sister, what's going on?"

After being taken aback, Gowthami asked herself, 'Sister, what did Rajeev refer her to? Did Rajeev indeed have a sister?'

Sashi was also perplexed by Gowthami's abrupt actions and said, "I wasn't responsible for anything," in a perplexed tone.

Approaching Sashi, Abhi said, "What transpired? Did you frighten her?"

Sashi tapped on Abhi's chest and replied, "Stop it, Abhi. She panicked me."

"Who are these folks", Gowthami questioned, continuing to give Rajeev a warm embrace.

Ram responded right after, saying, "She's my sister Sashi, and the man is her spouse, abhi."

She was terrified that Rajeev would leave her when she opened her eyes and saw the stunning girl at Rajeev's home. She also believed that the girl may be her fellow wife.

Gowthami greatly overthought things and said, "I'm sorry," right away.

When Rajeev unexpectedly saw that Gowthami's hands were covered in blood, he grabbed her hands, halted the blood flow, and ordered Ram to fetch him the medical kit.

Ram went to fetch it right away.

Gowthami was worried that Rajeev may get lost, but she didn't give it much consideration since she spotted Rajeev and hurried over to give him a hug and take out the IV dropper.

After seeing the blood, Sashi and the others were quite concerned about Gowthami.

Rajeev attended to her injuries right away.
Rajeev questioned Gowthami, "Why did you pull the IV dropper out?" once everything had calmed down.

"I missed you and I longed to see you straight immediately", Gowthami said, lowering her head and spoke softly in response.

Funny enough, Sashi knew exactly how Gowthami would feel about her the moment she walked into the room.

'Hey, my sweetheart, you really believed that I would be your co-wife."

What ?, Perplexed, Rajeev turned to face Gowthami.

She continued to droop her head and Gowthami gave no response.

The way Gowthami thought and behaved made everyone laugh.

"Sister-in-law, you are Rajeev's sole wife and will remain so for the rest of his life", Ram chuckled and said.

Rajeev was really offended by her way of thinking. Can I speak with her privately? Rajeev's voice arrived in a somewhat stern tone.

Everyone departed the room gradually.
Rajeev questioned Gowthami, "Do you honestly believe in that slightly?" after everyone had departed.

"I apologize, Rajeev."

"Do you really assume that I am going to invite another female into my life, or are you unaware of who I am?"

"No, Rajeev, I trust you, but I was afraid of the women in your vicinity."

Taking her palms in his, Rajeev stated, "Gowthami, I swear to you that I will never let another girl into my life. You are the only person I have in my life, and no one else can take that place."

Gowthami gave him a hug and apologized.

"That's not how you apologize to me" . Rajeev kissed her intensely right away, pressing his lips to hers till she was having trouble breathing.

Gowthami buried her bashful face in Rajeev's chest when he departed. Rajeev gave her a firm embrace.

subsequently a short while, Rajeev pointed out, "Gowthami, do you are aware my father?" in an authoritative voice.

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