episode 42

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The box was unwrapped by Gowthami, who revealed a garment and a lot of jewelry within.

"What is this all about?"

"This wedding garment and its ornaments pertain to my mum. In fact, mothers-in-law offer their beloved daughters-in-law their jewels as is traditional for me. My mother got the piece of jewelry from my grandma, and I'm carrying it forward for you now. They must be worn to our wedding."

  Gowthami asked Rajeev about wearing her mother's wedding garment to the event. "Does putting this garment also have a customs?"

"This is my mom's wedding attire,If you could don it , Gowthami, it will assist in making me sense that my mom was additionally participating at the day of our marriage. My mother could be in this room, therefore I'd love to check out you donning this garment. "

Gowthami said to Rajeev, "I would ultimately dress the garment to our wedding," while holding the dress in her palms.

Rajeev received Gowthami nicely while mesmerizingly focused on her eyes. He afterwards drew nearer to her and kissed her. Really controlled, that one.

Rajeev was given a bear hug by Gowthami, who said, "You know Rajeev, I'm pretty glad to hear about all the wedding customs you revealed to me and iam quite enthusiastic." 

Rajeev crooned while holding Gowthami's face close and said, "I'm waiting for the day when we get married, Gowthami."
  When he noticed that Gowthami had closed her eyes, he moved in to kiss her and was prepared to do it once again.

As soon as Sashi and his team got in the room, they were yelled at, "You are not allowed to touch Gowthami." 

Gowthami was ashamed to see how they were starting to grow apart.
  In an attempt to make fun of Gowthami, Sashi said, "Oh it's all shy, please store this still for your wedding night."

Hearing Sashi's words, Rajeev too had anxiety. Abhi,Ram  started making fun of Rajeev as soon as he spotted him.  Then Rajeev was advised that his time was up and he had to head out.

"Brother, you have to depart so that I may see your spouse entering the place of worship. " Said  Sashi.

"The marriage processes are about to start; you must proceed and arrive at your place to complete them." Abhi said pulling Rajeev from th place.

  In order to bid gowthami goodbye before ram, abhi, and he left, Rajeev turned to her. Rajeev left, leaving just Gowthami and Sashi alone; everyone else had already left. Gowthami had entered the area through Sashi.

Sashi noticed the package in her hand.   "Gowtami what is this parcel." 

"These are the garment and jewelry belonged to Rajeev's mother, and he requested me to don them to our wedding." She then pointed to the box.

"That is wonderful, wow. Please allow me to look. "

Gowthami handed Sashi the gift and said, "Yes."

"Wow, these are typical seven-week jewelry, "Sashi said as she opened the package.

"Seven weeks jewellery?"

"Yes, these pieces were referred to as "seven weeks jewelry."

"Could you please tell me what they are?"

In the past, kings wore gold in accordance with the days of the week to attract energy in accordance with heavenly effects, to avoid bad impacts, and to stay well, sound, and rich.

Every day of the week is represented by a different piece of jewelry in the phrase "seven weeks jewelry." There are hardly any people left who still follow this outdated standard.

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