episode 43

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Gowthami cautiously left the home in the middle of the night while encasing herself in a duvet and donning a face mask.

Abhi hadn't gone to bed yet when he had a late-night meeting with his international acquaintance. It was already late at night when he concluded his meeting, so he stepped outside to take in the vista of the night.

Abhi was startled to see someone covering himself in a blanket emerge from the rear side of the ram house.

"Ho gosh", abhi murmured to himself, "who is this guy emerging from the ram home at this late hour?"

Without uttering a motion, Abhi stealthily trailed the individual back to find out who they were.

Gowthami cautiously made her way into the jungle, walking a great distance from the settlement and exploring a deep portion of it.
The lengthy distance she had to go alone tired her.

She took a deep breath as she sat on a nearby rock.

"I've barely gone half the distance, ho god , please assist me get there quickly and get back to Dharmagiri before dawn. If any individual discovers that there's no me in Dharmagiri, there will be serious issues."

She took off the duvet she was wearing cautiously.

Although Abhi could tell that the individual was female, he was powerless to identify her. His mind suddenly choked someone in her mind. ' Gowthami is it?'.

"Who is she, and is she Gowthami? She genuinely came from the Ram House. Yes, she is Gowthami, and she lives in Ram House alone among women. What is she hiding and why is she walking through the woods at this late hour? "Abhi was suspicious about Gowthami and had multiple inquiries for her.

Abruptly, a mask-wearing individual rode up to Gowthami and responded, "Do you need a ride?"

With a mask on his face and an expressive physique, he looks very good.
Gowthami was astonished to hear that person's voice—she could even identify it in her sleep—because it was Rajeev's, the person she loved the most.

Another person rode up on a different horse and stood next to him; this guy also had a mask covering his face. He seems to be more stronger than the first place finisher, has a well-built physique, and gives the impression that he is the winner's bodyguard.

Gowthami is able to identify himself with ease as well—he is the identical ram.

She exclaimed, "What are you guys doing here?" in disbelief.

"That's the question I have. How precisely are you spending this late night in this bush, and are you aware of how perilous it is? ", Rajeev raised his voice with rage.

Ram saw Gowthami leaving the home late at night. Ram rushed straight away and notified Rajeev.

Rajeev understands why Gowthami made the nighttime trek to the bush.

She decided to go through the night to explore the forest since she was eager to learn more about her family and knew that if she alerted Rajeev, he would undoubtedly forbid her from entering it.

Knowing that Gowthami was gone, he told Ram to accompany him right away. The two of them rode into the bush in silence.

Ram used to keep horses as pets; at one point, he had almost five of them. His horses were kept in a stable in his backyard.

They wanted to locate Gowthami today, and they knew that going on foot would take a long time, so this time they decided to ride by horses in search of Gowthami.
They select horses since the people would notice them if they utilize a car.

Gowthami bowed, took off her mask, and said, "I'm sorry, Rajeev."

"I know you are strong, but even though you came alone, you may contact me soon so I could accompany you to see your bravery. If you requested, I could assist you, sister-in-law. We can travel together" . said the ram.

Ram quickly remained silent when Rajeev gave him an grave expression and saw the fury on his face.

Then, glancing at Gowthami, he replied, "Come on, I'll give you a ride."

After hesitating, Gowthami remarked, "Rajeev, we're almost there. Why can't we just go take a look?"

"Get on the horse" , Rajeev gave her the order to do so.

Gowthami got on the horse right away without saying anything, her face filled with sorrow.

Abhi can see the regretful expression on Gowthami's face.

Abhi was unable to hear their conversation because he was so far away, but he could only observe that Gowthami was tired and sitting on a rock when two people on horses approached him one after the other. After an argument, Gowthami got on the horse in a dejected manner, and the two of them rode into the jungle.

"Where are these individuals taking Gowthami?Why did she accept them and accompany them, and what relationship does she have with these people? God, is she really in hazards?I have to rescue her if she's in peril.
I have to battle with them to get Gowthami back. Are they the Gowthami family? They are hauling her away, and Rajeev had a wedding with her in a few days. What would happen if she left, Rajeev? Oh no, he would be devastated. I can tell by looking at Gowthami's face that she is unwilling to accompany them."
Abhi's mind was racing with questions.

He quickly grabbed a large stick that was nearby and moved forward to engage in combat with those people.

He yelled at them, "Hey you wait right there, put my sister back. Where are you kidnapping my sister?"

When Rajeev and Ram heard a voice behind them, they were shocked to realize that it was abhi.

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