episode 25

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Abruptly, a pack of wolves sprang into the cave and encircled them.

Vyaaghra was furious and was glaring at the wolves with the intention of killing and tearing them apart.When Vyaaghra discovered them, she roared louder and drove them away.

In contrast to the last time, they seem to be more experienced and were fairly afraid of Vyaaghra, but they refuse to back down; it appears that they intended to get vengeance on Gowthami for harming their family.

When so many wolves suddenly appeared to assault Rajeev and Ram, they were brought back to that scene.

The wolves were glaring at them while they prayed and demanded to ingest them for lunch that evening.

The wolves' primary goal was to harm Gowthami, and they had an envious expression on their faces.

When Vyaaghra spotted that the wolf was gazing at Gowthami, it moved ahead of her, obstructing her view of the wolf.

The wolves seemed a bit afraid at the sight of the tiger guarding Gowthami; this was evident from their expressions, and they did not even want to back down.

Since all of the wolves are staring at Gowthami angrily, Rajeev and Ram concluded that the wolf was trying to attract her.

They moved closer to Gowthami right away to provide her security.

Gowthami had no concerns whatsoever about the wolves that she saw wandering about.

"shall we play?", she said as she leaned in closer to Vyaaghra's ears.

Ram listened to her remarks and was perplexed by them.' What game was she playing right now? How could she say such things with the wolf around? This isn't the time for idle play; it's time to take action.'

"I believe it's not a joke, sister-in-law. If you want to play right now, please have a look around."

Ram felt a bit anxious and afraid.

Gowthami disregarded his remarks and observed the wolves' movements while they spoke.

'Is this a code phrase between them' , Rajeev wondered.

When a wolf suddenly sprang on, Vyaaghra walked over and hooked itself to the animal with its paw.

The wolf sensed that it was 10 feet from its location, and its face was entirely coated in blood.

When Vyaaghra struck the wolf with its paw, the wolf's claws burred a deep gash in its face, removing its eye entirely, leaving the wolf with just one eye.

It was really terrifying—Vyaaghra had just vanquished the mightiest wolf in a single blow.

Vyaaghra attacked the strongest wolf out of the others. The wolves' condition frightened the surviving ones away.

Even after seeing most potent tiger, Ram and Rajeev were taken aback by Vyaaghra and felt a little sense of sadness for the wolf.

Gowthami was ecstatic for Vyaaghra and, to be honest, she was also rather proud of their offspring for having such talent. Her joy was evident on her countenance.

Excellent short Vyaaghra, she commented with pleasure.

The fact that her gowthami had complimented Vyaaghra made her very delighted.

Given the state of the wolf, the other wolves don't seem to be trying to return, even though they were getting closer to them on both sides.

Ram replied, "Sister-in-law, they're getting closer," as he saw the wolf approaching.


After discovering a cave, the police officers who had been looking for Rajeev and Gand decided to spend the night there.

"I'm hungry, do you guys have anything to eat?" said one of them.

Others chuckled and said, "We didn't come to the barbeque to bring the food; we were merely looking for people who got misplaced."

Jignesh, the senior commander, remarked, "Let's see if there are any trees bearing fruits or other vegetation adjacent that we can devour."

Jignesh gave the command for his followers to go get food since he was also famished.

The other police obeyed the leader's orders and left Jignesh with a few police officers while they took care of some meals.

One of the guys who had gone in quest of food returned quickly after a couple of minutes.
"You are truly entitled to look around, sir."

With a hint of fear, Jignesh said, "Do you discover them? Are they doing fine?"

"That has nothing to do with them, sir. Please abide by along and take a peek."

A couple dead wolves and evidence of an arrow wound were discovered by the policeman searching for food. They were rather taken aback, and one of them was told to let their superior know.

In an attempt to defend themselves and drive the other wolf away, Gowthami shot them with arrows; nevertheless, the wolf was struck by the arrow and perished from a high blood flow.

After realizing that their elderly prey had died, the surviving wolves returned in pursuit of Gowthami using their sense of smell in order to get retribution.

The policeman who went in quest of food found precisely the same murdered wolf.

After witnessing the corpses of the wolves, Jignesh replied, "Who murdered them? Are there any poachers around in this jungle? We ought to track down those poachers right away."

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