episode 49

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Gowthami carried out Rajeev's instructions. Rajeev checked out her as she made her way to her room.

They sensed footsteps approaching from their vicinity.
Gowthami remarked, "Rajeev, I believe somebody is approaching. You should hurry in."

Hearing them, Rajeev quickly followed Gowthami inside the chamber. Later, both Gowthami and Rajeev crouched behind the curtain in order to keep an eye on the those approaching outside the window.

Gurdeep approached cautiously with a torch, as Uma trailed after him.

"Gurdeep, what's that noise? Do you happen to notice any individual around?", Uma questioned.

Gurdeep looked around and saw a horse munching on some grass not far away.

"It is simply a horse; I believe it escaped from its stable. Rest assured that nobody is around. You have woken me up, and you are keeping me up at night whilst I've got an awful lot of duties to do ahead". Gurdeep said a little impatiently.

" Gurdeep, no. I witnessed a shadowy figure; he may be a robber" . Uma was terrified and very anxious.

Gurdeep added, "Do not fret, uma. This is Ram's house. If a burglar enters, Ram will take care of him. If ram spotted a burglar around his house, it would be his last day."

Uma was going to say something, however.
"It's Dharmagiri, and you know this hamlet well. Do you think if a burglar enters the ram house?" Gurdeep interrupted her.

The villagers take good care of Ram and Rajeev, and they will defend them no matter what. They also won't let any thieves inside Ram or Rajeev's home.

They spotted someone approaching them out of nowhere; Gurdeep recognized him as the employee of Ram's Stable.

Gurdeep said, "What are you doing here?" right away.

The worker remarked, "Sir, a few horses left the stable in the middle of the night. I arrived to take them back to the stable for the reason that I hadn't locked the door."
The worker was afraid that Ram would reprimand him when he suddenly woke up and spotted that the stable doors were open and that two horses were gone. He immediately set out to find the missing horses.

Ram and Rajeev grabbed the horses in a rush and neglected to notify the worker that they were in the bush. The guy assumed that this was his fault since he had been irresponsible.

Gurdeep remarked, "Look, I'm assuming you spotted him . No one is around. Let's get back to the room," and he led Uma back there.

Uma really walked back to her room to get some water after seeing a shadow close to Ram House. She immediately assumed that a robber would be passing through the area, so she told Gurdeep and they went for a thorough inspection.

Uma said, "I'm sorry," to Gurdeep.

Gurdeep remarked, "It's okay, let's get back. I have to go for a nap."


Gowthami and Rajeev were at ease as soon as Uma and Gurdeep departed.

"Thank heaven we made it out" , Gowthami sighed.

It was only then that she realized Rajeev was behind her, that they were extremely near, that Rajeev's chest was brushing Gowthami's back.He had her trapped between his knees and hands.

Following their entrance into the room, Rajeev moved in opposition to Gowthami and the two of them began to watch what was happening.
Since their positions were so identical to one other, neither of them realized they were in the same place.

Gowthami remained still, however she was able to sense Rajeev's warmth on her back.
Gowthami and her Spouse are extremely near to one another, and he can detect her body scent unambiguously. Gowthami's heart rate is rising since Rajeev is getting closer to her, and Rajeev's heart rate also rose because he could hardly contain himself because of how near she was.
He said, "Gowthami," calling her name in a stern tone.
Gowthami softly rolled over; their lips are barely an inch apart, their faces so near to one another. Her rosy lips, which are even more radiant in the moonlight, are visible to him.

He approached her carefully and planted a kiss on her upper lip. He then put one hand around her slender waist to draw her in closer while the other slid behind her head and into her smooth hair. Gowthami encircled him with her hands. He plunged his tongue into her lips and they began to play with one other's tongues as their gentle kiss became into a passionate one. They had no idea when they got to the mattress or that Rajeev's body had trapped Gowthami's body to it. With very slow movements, Rajeev undressed Gowthami's clothing. He then threw her garments all over the floor and covered themselves with a duvet. Their bodies were coated in sweets; the only sounds in the room were their quick breaths and hammering hearts. They both nod out in the late hours of the night, giving each other firm hugs.

Ram fell asleep in his chair while still lying in the same posture with rops around him.

The lovely pair was sound asleep as the sun peeked through the window in the early morning.
The first person to wake up was Rajeev. A grin spread over his lips as he turned to see the lovely girl who was soundly sleeping in his arms. He approached her cautiously and planted a kiss on her forehead.

He said, "Good morning, my love."

When Rajeev's warm lips caressed her forehead, she gently opened her eyes to find Rajeev staring at her with a captivating gaze.

"Good morning," she remarked with a grin.

She saw Rajeev's upper body; he was naked and had a well-defined muscular build. Later, she recalled that she was similarly nude and that a duvet covered their bodies.
Her blushes grew scarlet from shyness as she suddenly recalled the previous night.
As Rajeev approached her cautiously to plant a kiss on her bashful face, they heard abhi yelling and banging on the door.

"I knew you were in, Rajeev, so  unlocked the door. "

Gowthami and Rajeev swapped glances, and it was obvious that terror was on their faces.

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