episode 31

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Gazing over the unconscious Gowthami, he was taken aback and filled with joy to behold her.

"What happened to you, Sakhi? Look at what you folks did to my Sakhi; back off."

" That's her name", Rajeev decided to himself. " Sakshi."

"I'm her spouse, and don't worry—I'm a doctor—you can even point me in the direction of a neighboring hospital or medical facility". Rajeev gave a prompt explanation.

" Yes, she is my sister-in-law, but" according to Ram," her health is not good."

"What went on with Sakhi throughout the preceding three months?" The guy seemed stunned and surprised.

Upon seeing that Sakhi was unconscious, he decided to tend to her first and deal with those individuals thereafter.

"Indeed, we had one."

Right away, Rajeev picked up Gowthami and pleaded with her to lead the way.

"It's housed inside this residence."

" in this residence? " ,Ram surveyed the home.

" Indeed, Aatreya Sir had medical expertise and had treated patients in the past."

" Who is this person, Aatreya?", inquired Ram.

The man with the mask was taken aback by his inquiry.
"You claimed that you are from the Sakhi family, but Sakhi didn't tell you guys anything about herself. How come you folks don't know him?"

The guy wearing the mask gave them a confused look and sensed that they could be bluffing.

Rajeev reasoned that her father's name was Aatreya.

Once again in battle mode, the mask man became attentive and said, "Who are you?, attempting to mislead me? Tell me the truth as to how you found the community and how you slipped inside this house. Come on, speak up, or I'll kill you right away."

This town was built covertly; no regular person is allowed entry, and each home has intense security measures in place. Doors only open when the resident of each home has been identified.

'How did these guys enter this house? 'The mask man speculated that they may have hurt Sakh and rendered her unconscious, at which point they might have entered.

Ram moved quickly to shield his companion from the mask guy.

"refusal of to even attempt to approach my Rajeev", Ram yelled angrily, defending his buddy.

At that moment, Vyaaghra raced towards the mask guy, shouting harder, to shield Ram.

The mask man became slightly terrified upon seeing Vyaaghra since, apart from Sakshi, no one could rein in her rage; if she attacked him, he would not be able to live to see the following day. The fact that Vyaaghra is guarding them surprised him a bit.

Vyaaghra left Gowthami and proceeded to explore the city after arriving.

When it got back to Gowthami's home, she found that Rajeev was carrying an unconscious Gowthami and that Ram was shielding the couple with his dagger. Vyaaghra moved straight to their defense.

The mask man was a bit taken aback to learn that Vyaaghra was truly defending those who had invaded their community and was prepared to murder him in order to keep them safe.

The mask guy dropped his weapon and gave Vyaaghra a very angry expression.

"Vyaaghra Pay attention, it's me. You can't seem to recall my voice. Don't be upset with me; I won't hurt them."

Vyaaghra seemed to be wishing to murder the guy wearing the mask and was still filled with rage.

Without delay, Rajeev responded, "Vyaaghra, back down and return back to me."

Vyaaghra glanced at Rajeev, and it moved closer to him right away, standing next to him.

When he saw that Vyaaghra was paying attention to Rajeev's words and acting like a nice felines, he was shocked. Even though Aatreya reared Vyaaghra since it was little, Vyaaghra never obeyed any commands from anybody other than Sakhi. He was surprised to see it obeying Rajeev's orders.

"Perhaps Vyaaghra ought to safeguard them, since they are a Sakhi family", the mask man speculated to himself.

Rajeev worriedly requested the mask guy, "Please direct me the route to the clinic; I have to aid Gowthami right away", as he was lost in thinking.

He replied, "Take my lead," as soon as he became cognizant.

He led them into the kitchen area, where he examined Sakhi, who was still cognizant of, before taking her palm in his left and placing it on the wall's flat surface.

A door opened in front of them shortly after he put her palm on the plane's surface and a scanner scanned it.

Since they arrived in this hamlet, everything had shocked Ram and Rajeev, and they were in disbelief. This whole hamlet is constructed with cutting-edge characteristics. Who would have thought that a community like this could survive in the midst of a jungle so close to Dharmagiri?

When Rajeev brought Gowthami in, he was taken aback by the décor, which resembled a cutting-edge little medical hall and included very sophisticated patient treatment machinery.

After putting Gowthami to bed, he carried on with his therapy.

The manner he treated Sakhi pleased the mask guy. He then recalled them referring to Sakhi as Gowthami.

He questioned, "Why do you guys call her Gowthami?" turning to face Ram.

Taking a big breath, Ram replied, "In reality, Rajeev discovered her fallen tree in a jungle a few months ago, injured, and discovered later that she had lost her memory."

" After Sakhi's memory loss, how did you guys discover this location?"

" Vyaaghra helped us get here", Ram remarked, pointing to her.

" She could not recall anything."

"Yes, not even her name is recognizable to her."

" Thus, she is completely unaware of her father's passing."

The news that her father had passed away shocked Ram and Rajeev.

"Yes, he passed away on the day she left us, and none of them acknowledges how or who murdered him. We searched for the truth, but we were unable to contact Sakhi. Months later, I was able to find her, but she had lost her ability to remember. "

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