episode 34

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Everyone is a bit shocked by the guru's remarks.

Ram was the initial to pose the question, "Do you know Rajeev? Who are you? You seem to be saying that you've known him since he was a child."

" I can't reveal my identity to Rajeev right now; if I do, his life would be in risk. No, I've previously lost my family, and Rajeev was the only member of my family who was still alive. If they find out that Rajeev is my son, his life may be in jeopardy." Guru thought to himself.

Yes, Rajeev's father, Rubra, was the one wearing the mask and referred to as his guru.
Rudra claimed to know Rajeev well, which may explain why he is reluctant to learn about his own kid. He was well aware of his son's potential.

The only people who know his true identity are Sakhi and Aatreya. His true name is Rudra, and he often spoke to Sakhi about his family.

However, Sakhi lost her memory and Atreya is now more well-known in this realm for revealing his identity.

Rajeev's father was devastated to hear that his family had perished in a disaster, and he was also afraid that Rajeev would be in jeopardy if their competitors found out that Rajeev is his son.

He didn't want to divulge his identify because he wanted to keep his kid safe.

Rajeev was eagerly awaiting the guru's response since, ever since they met, he had a strong emotional connection with him; his heart assures him that they are really close.

He recalled his father's comments as he said that he knew Rajeev very well and the fact no one could possibly understand more concerning him than him in this dimension.
It used to be Rajeev's father's favorite saying, "No one in this world can know about you as I do,"

"I stated that since Sakhi is my most capable pupils, I know her well, and I can predict who she would select." Without delay, Guru modified his statement.

Rajeev expressed his frustration with his expression.

"You are my child and I always honor your emotions no matter what," the Guru remarked to Gowthami, placing his hands on the top of her skull. "If you pick this particular individual as your spouse, then I am extremely pleased to you and I approve of your union; if Aatreya is with us currently he will probably say precisely the same thing."

Gowthami was overjoyed by his remarks and thought that they had been very close in a previous life.

"In what way I used to call you; could you kindly reveal your face to me? I would want to know about this city and my previous existence."  Gowthami was very interested in learning about her previous life.

Ram and Rajeev were additionally curious to learn about Gowthami's history, since she had questioned the guru about it.

After taking an exhalation of air the Guru remarked, "Don't dwell on past events; instead, focus of your future. Passed is passed. It was going to be more beneficial if you are able to recall it by oneself, honey."

" But I'd prefer to learn a bit more about it."

" You have a lot of unpleasant memories from your history, so it's best to let them go. This is your brand-new life; go ahead and enjoy it."

A talk was taking place when they heard an alert.

It was returned to Guru and the mask guy.
Guru remarked, "You guys ought to depart this region as quickly as possible. If you stay here, it will be hazardous for you."

Ram questioned right away ," what had happened, why everyone was scared, and why the alarm was going off."

" I'm not sure what I can say to you folks right now, so please get out of here quickly."

With a sidelong glance at the guy wearing the mask, he continued, "I'm going to send them back, so please press the emergency botton now."

The mask man answered, "We may prevail this time, Guru, if Sakhi is alongside us."

" No, she will no longer be involved in any of them; she is leaving our world and returning with Rajeev."

Although Ram and Rajeev were unaware of their safety, they knew they were in jeopardy at the moment.

The Guru turned to face Vyaaghra and said, "Vyaaghra, quickly, go to your attacking place if you're determined to witness Sakhi safe and joyful."

Vyaaghra gave Sakhi a tearful glance before turning to face Rajeev.

It approached them, raised her front legs, and offered Rajeev and Sakhi hugs.
When Vyaaghra felt on them, they both kept their equilibrium despite how heavy it was.

subsequently, it walked to Ram and hugged him.

Ram felt the earth as it crept toward him and he had no ability to support its weight.
Vyaaghra hugged him tightly before sprinting out.

Gazing at Vyaaghra, Gowthami said, "Can I bring Vyaaghra along?"

"No, you cannot have her with you in Dharmagiri since she is a wild animal. I swear, however, that I will return her to you when you least expect it."
Guru then touched a button that was nearer to his desk.

A door opened, revealing an automobile that resembled a miniature spacecraft with four seats that were available.

Ram questioned, "What is this?" right away.

"It's a boat that will carry you all straight to the Dharmagiri River."

" Please get started as we don't have much time left."

When Rajeev saw what was going on, he promptly assisted Gowthami in entering and gave the purchase request for Ram to do the same.

Rudra gave them all a last glance as they entered, and then he quickly walked to Rajeev and gave him a strong embrace. He then offered Ram a hug as well.

"I beg you not to tell any individual regarding this city. Take care of Rajeev, my furious bird, and Sakhi. You have my undying love."  Without delay, he hit another button.

Guru Mask felt bad about showing his face as he was moving too quickly.

When the guru referred to Ram as the "furious bird," Ram was taken aback since Rudra Uncle had called him that.

The door shut before Ram could utter a single word. Ram  and Rajeev could easily see his visage.

Ram and Rajeev yelled." papa."

However, the door closed too soon, and the boat plunged into the water.

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