episode 20

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Ram was still struggling to comprehend what was unfolding in the immediate vicinity of him in just a couple of seconds.

Rajeev noticed something amiss about Gowthami, so he gave her a quick embrace and said, "Are you okay?" in a worrisome gesture.

Rajeev, be assured that I'm OK.

Rajeev was rather astonished, but he didn't think a great deal of it since he had previously witnessed her battling a snake the last time they had been in the bush.

Ram was surprised when he saw Gowthami's talents after Rajeev had earlier explained to him how she connected a snake.

'Who she is, where she comes from, and who taught her these talents are all questions that need to be answered. In the words of Franz, if she weren't with us at this point, we would surely be hurt by these wolves this moment' . Ram was contemplating Gowthami while looking about him.

Ram saw a handful of wolves that were lying on the territory; just four of them were there, and the other wolves fled. They suffered injuries rather than killed.

Actually, Gowthami failed to eliminate them; instead, she wounded them so they couldn't assault them. Gowthami ignored the rest of the wolves, focusing only on alpha males and juvenile wolves.

'Gowthami was aware of the wolf species' alpha males and juveniles, which is why she only attacked them and ignored the other wolves.'

Gowthami only targeted a select handful of them, not all of them, so that if the big wolves were hurt, the others would undoubtedly flee. As she carried out her strategy, it was clear that it had been successful since when their larger wolf was hurt, the smaller one managed to flee.

Ram feared that the other wolves may reappear and launch an assault at any moment.

"Rajeev, I believe we ought to leave this area right soon" , Ram stated in a hurry.

" Yes, he is correct" , Gowthami stated that " so let's embark on."

Holding Gowthami's hand swiftly, Rajeev urged them to get back to the hamlet immediately.
Rajeev was concerned that Gowthami may suffer harm since he didn't want to remain in the bush much longer.

As soon as possible, Ram, Rajeev, and Gowthami began gathering their possessions and leaving the woods.

Rajeev and Gowthami followed Ram back after he led the group while keeping an eye on the area and protecting Rajeev and Gowthami. Ram took a wrong turn as a result of his intense mental focus on Gowthami.

Ram veered off course.
"Ram, you are directing us in the incorrect direction to leave the bush" , Rajeev stated after taking in the sights around him.

Ram remembered what he had said and started to scan the area. Yes, they did go off course.

"God, I truly believe we missed the exit from this forest" . Ram was considering how to leave the jungle before it was dark.

Rajeev turned to glance around and saw that it embarked on to grow darkish.

"Ram As night fell, I began to worry that we might be unable to find a route out of the bush."

Ram was depressed and concerned about the nearby wild creatures.
Ram and Rajeev would typically discover another route if they missed their intended one, and eventually they would find a way to leave the forest, even in the pitch black.
Since Gowthami is currently with them, they are unable to take risks. Despite the fact that she possesses talents superior to theirs, Rajeev is unable to do so.

Ram responded, "Let me figure a way to escape."

"No, ram, we are unable to proceed into this thicket at this juncture, for the reason it is virtually the sun went down. It would be quite hazardous and we may run across many wild creatures."

Ram wondered what to do next and agreed with Rajeev.

"No issue Rajeev, let's figure out a means to escape this forest", claimed Gowthami.

" No, Gowthami; it's far too hazardous" . Rajeev said with a fretting tone.

Ram responded, "Let me look for a safe spot" .

As an older brother, Rajeev had a responsibility to ensure Ram's safety. He advised Ram to remain close by and not to wander about, and he suggested that everyone locate a secure location together.

Gowthami peered around and saw an adjacent rock cave.

"Hey Rajeev, see, there's a cave; let's seek refuge there". She referred to a cave.

Ram and Rajeev explored the cave.
Ram responded, "Let me examine regardless of it's safe or not."

Rajeev suggested that we all gather and check as he didn't want to send Ram alone.

After scanning the area later, they decided it was safe to enter.
Ram lit the fire right away after getting some wood.

The locals searched the jungle for Rajeev but failed to see him since he was not there.

One of them suggested that they return to the hamlet and have a look as it was becoming dark and Rajeev may have arrived by this point.

Since others agreed that it was a good idea, they all walked back to the hamlet when it became darker.

As the residents reached the area, they spotted a few law enforcement personnel driving about in jeeps.

"We encountered that a tiger was approaching closer to your community in the bush, so for your security, we're telling everyone not to evacuate there" , a police officer remarked as he approached the people.

The people were then given instructions and told not to leave their homes at night for a short period of time.

Villagers could see Rajeev's villa, which seemed bright and well-lit from a distance.

One of them inquired whether Rajeev had returned.

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