episode 21

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Radha retorted that Rajeev is not at home wet.

"What is Rajeev doing in the jungle still?"

" We must track him down."

" Yes."

" Let's return to the forest."

Radha's voice was worried as Rajeev went with Gowthami and Ram.

"Oh my gosh, are those children secure in the bush or did they come into any dangerous animals?"

The villagers are anxious about Rajeev and his buddies and are talking among themselves about them.

Someone walked into the forest and got lost there, according to a police officer who is more familiar with the local inhabitants.
"Don't worry, he added; our crew will search for them in the forest, and you folks should now go back to your separate residences."

However, the people preferred to return to the forest and look for Rajeev there instead of going back.

After much deliberation with the locals, the policeman was able to get them returned to their homes. Subsequently, a few officers went into the woods to look for the missing persons.

Once they had settled inside the dark chamber, Gowthami mumbled, "Rajeev, I'm famished," squeezing her belly.

Fortunately, Rajeev had made sure to bring a few munchies with him today. He never fails to carry a few beverages while trekking through the thick foliage.

Rajeev quickly grabbed a few fruits and munchies from his backpack on his back.
"Here, take a few."
Gowthami grabbed them right away and endured munching on food.
When Ram spotted her dine contentedly, he pondered her earlier action during her duel with the wolves.
'Who is this strange female that Rajeev brought with him, and he's about to be married to her?'

Ram is staring at Gowthami, so she inquired, "Are you hungry? Would you like some?" after seeing. She gave him an offer of some food.

When Ram became cognizant again, he questioned, "Who are you?"

"You are who?you're correct about me" , Gowthami questioned in a perplexed manner.

"It wasn't my intention to inquire about where you learned how to conflict with wolves, how to accomplish it, or who taught you those skills."

Gowthami was likewise unfit to recall the details of the events of her past, nor could she pinpoint the places where she had learned all of them. Whenever she made an effort to ponder back on her previous, her head hurt a great deal. Rajeev explained to her not to fatigue her brain when attempting to recall, and he additionally stated that past experiences would not affect the way their future turned out, so she neglected to think about her past experiences and instead focused only on today.

In response to Ram's questioning, Gowthami expressed sadness by saying, "I fail to recall Ram."

When Gowthami tried to remember her past, Rajeev recalled that she would get headaches. He sternly warned her not to put undue strain on her head, and when Ram questioned her about it, he was concerned about her health due to the fact that they were in a dense forest and might not have provided the right care if Gowthami had health issues.

Rajeev cut him off right away, yelling, "Ram, perhaps we ought to talk regarding this a bit later. We have to figure out how to be cautious for tonight."

"However, Rajeev, are you not amazed by the way she battled those wolves and are you not curious to find out who taught her these fighting techniques?"

"I've previously spotted her battle a snake, and I'm amazed by her bravery. For now, however, I don't give a damn about her background."

Ram responded, "Yes, Gowthami is a gallant girl; I haven't encountered a girl like her in my entire existence," as he turned to face her.

Rajeev confidently said, "Yes, Gowthami is one of the most unique in this dimension, and I feel privileged to have such a girl in my vitality," upon seeing her.

Gowthami was a bit bashful, but she was thrilled when Rajeev complimented her.

However, just as Rajeev and Ram were ready to speak, they heard some nearby noises.

Gowthami responded, "Hey, have you caught those sounds?" as soon as she entered combat status.

Without further ado, Ram pulled out his handgun and said, "Yes, I did. We ought to be vigilant."

A few of wolves were approaching the cave, Rajeev spotted.

Rajeev replied, "I presume the pack of wolves spotted the way where we are residing."

Gowthami added, "I've learned that wolves have a sense of smell that is about 100 times greater than humans and that they use this keen sense while hunting," as she watched the wolf approach the cave. The majority of wild wolves are even more adept at identifying scents than domestic dogs. The area of a wolf's nose that is sensitive to scent is over 14 times larger than that of a human nose.

Ram questioned, "What ought we adhere to now, sister-in-law?"

With a scourge look on her visage, Gowthami remarked, "I reckon I ought to teach them a genuine tuition now to ensure they are unlikely to try to monitor our whereabouts again."

Ram could see it plainly on his face that he was excited to witness what she did to the wolf.

To his dismay, Rajeev saw the wolf darting back at them out of nowhere.

Rajeev asked why they were returning with the impression of having seen a larger animal.

Ram was shocked and truly dismayed since he had been looking forward to seeing the Gowthami activity. "Indeed, why are they retreating?"

Gowthami saw the wolf sprinting, recalled Rajeev's phrases and looked about.

Gowthami, sensing danger, remarked, "Rajeev and Ram, stay close, we're in chaos," in a frightened tone.

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