episode 45

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With an angry glance at Ram, Abhi took a step toward him.

Ram was quite frightened. and gave Rajeev a mental reprimand.

'Rajeev is really crafty; he just tricked me and made off with Gowthami. If I catch him, I'll murder him.'

Ram remarked, looking terrified at Abhi. " I'm sorry, brother. I didn't want to offend; we were just having fun. Please go from me. I'm your adorable little brother, you know; I'm little and innocent."

"Engaging in play? Are you having fun with me? , you loved punishing me, so watch how I'm going to punish you. " Abhi struck Ram with a blow.

Ram sobbed a much; "please, brother, don't hit me."

Perched atop a rock, Abhi said. "Now it's your time; do It100 pushups."

"What hundred?", Ram shouted out, "please, brother."

Abhi said, "Hm, do it now, or else I are going to surpass you till we arrive the house."

Ram began acting on Abhi's advice. Later, Abhi proceeded to sit on the back of the ram and said, "Now, keep doing."

Ram shed tears. "I can't put you on my back and do pushups because you are so heavy; if I do, I would break my back. Please get down."

"If you cease them, you will need to complete 200, and the count will rise. " Abhi spoke harsh words.

"Tell me, what are you guys accomplishing in the bush at midnight and why did you come here? ", inquired Abhi.

"The pair really went to the forest because they wanted to spend time together, which was not occurring in the home," said ram barely performing pushups.

Ram came up with a solution right away as he couldn't tell abhi the truth.

Abhi was returned to the words of Ram.
"Don't attempt to trick me. Who would chose the jungle for their romantic relationship? What are you guys thinking?"

"I'm telling the truth; Rajeev wanted to take Gowthami to the forest so they could both enjoy its beauty. I saw Rajeev traveling during the night, so I followed him back and confronted him to get him to return."

"Whoa, these men have gone insane; it's unsafe to trek through a forest at night". Abhi was extremely nervous about Gowthami and Rajeev.

Ram remarked that Rajeev had gone completely wild after falling in love.

Abhi said right away, "Then why are you covering your faces with masks?"

"Obviously, so that no one would recognize us."

"Tell me the truth now, or do you think that I am an idiot for listening to all of your stories? ",Angry, asked Bhi.

Ram pretended to be asleep right away since he was sick of pushing himself up while abhi was on his back.

As soon as he saw Ram become unconscious, Abhi pulled him to the ground. Thinking at first that Ram was playing, he screamed, "Stop acting, Ram, get up, avoid misleading me."

Ram remained still. Ram did not get up as Abhi observed him for some time. Abhi was concerned about Ram since he believed that he had really passed out.

Ram was still asleep when Abhi attempted to rouse him up. "Hey Ram, get up."

Abhi gazed about the place where Rajeev had taken Gowthami.

"Let me take this ram to Sashi; I'll take care of that dumb later. "

He hauled him up and mounted the horse that Ram had brought earlier. Then, he mounted the horse and rode the Ram back to Dharmagiri.


Rajeev chose not to walk back to Dharmagiri, but instead led Gowthami into the dense jungle.

Gowthami was unable to comprehend where he was really leading her." Where have we been, Rajeev? Are we not planning to return to Dharmagiri?"

Instead of responding to her, Rajeev focused on racing the horse.

'Since I ventured into the forest without notifying him, I believe Rajeev has grown frustrated with me.' Gowthami was going through her head.

"Rajeev We are getting married soon, and I intend to share the happy news with them. I really apologize; I wasn't hoping to hurt you. I was only curious to visit where I grew up and learn about them. "

Rajeev remained quiet. Gowthami felt guilty that Rajeev was still furious with her and that she had stated nothing additionally

He eventually arrived at a mountain and remarked, "Let's get down."

Gowthami looked around her with clarity and was taken aback; she had not anticipated Rajeev would really bring her there.

Previously, Gowthami had approached her community by exactly the same mountain.

She gave him a quick embrace since she was so thrilled and said, "Thank you so much, Rajeev."

Rajeev really feared for Rudra, and because they had to leave the area quickly and he could see that Rudra was in jeopardy he wanted to check on his father to make sure he was okay. Rajeev couldn't stop himself from wanting to visit his father, support him, and find solutions to all of his issues, even if Rudra had told him not to come here.

In reality, he is waiting for the ideal moment to return. He immediately guessed Gowthami's purpose for going into the woods upon hearing about it, and he ventured into the jungle himself to ensure Gowthami's safety.

He believed it would be a good idea to check when Gowthami requested him to, and he wanted to know whether Rudra was safe or not. He left right away to go to this mountain, where he had already been rebuilt.

Saying to the world that he is not an orphan and that his father is still alive, he yearned to reclaim his father. His goal was to wed in front of his father.

"I know what you have in mind, and I had assumed you were going to come here. In fact, I had assumed you would be brought here in a few days, but you have already traveled to the forest,"  Rajeev said with a grin.

"I apologize to Rajeev for not doing that; I should have told you in advance". Gowthami expressed her regret.

"Avoid repeating this twice; if you need my assistance, let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you", Rajeev advised.

She kissed him on cheekbones and murmured, "Thank you."

" Alright, let's go inside first. We need to return to Dharmagiri before the sun arises. We can discuss this more later. " Declared Rajeev.

Gowthami proceeded straight forward and shoved the stone as she had previously done to open the door, but it failed to work. Puzzled, she tried pushing it again, but it failed to open.

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