episode 27

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Rajeev expressed concern for his pal and said, "We need to sustain his body warmed."

Gowthami quickly picked up the second leaf blanket and tried to cover the ram with it, but it again fails to function.

Ram felt dizzy more, and the blanket made of leaves was not helping.

Vyaaghra abruptly stood up from her spot, approached the ram, and saw that he was shaking severely.

Vyaaghra approached Ram gingerly and gave him a gentle embrace.

Ram halted shaking and felt cozy as Vyaaghra gave him a gentle embrace.

Gowthami encountered a tiny bit tiger that was lost in a jungle in the past. Later, she searched for the tiger group and discovered a corpse of a female tiger, which she thought may be the infant's mother. She raised the cub and named it Vyaaghra.

Vyaaghra is kind and understanding; she primarily cares about those whom Gowthami looks out for, and she would stop at nothing to support Gowthami, who she adores beyond all else.

When Vyaaghra saw that Gowthami was depressed over Ram, he took action to assist Ram.

Instead of bearing down on him, Vyaaghra only forced him to maintain body heat.

Gowthami and Rajeev were pleased to see how Vyaaghra was assisting Ram.

Gowthami said, "joyous, buddy, amazing job."

Ram was a bit afraid when Vyaaghra gave him a hug, but he gradually got over his dread of the tiger.

Overnight, there was a great deal of downpours.
The night collapsed, and the following day dawned.

Rajeev had a restless night because he was concerned of the ram and other creatures that lived in the dense jungle since they had prior encountered wolves and almost perished.

He quietly emerged from the cave in the wee hours of the morning after seeing that Gowthami and the others were sound asleep and gathering some fruits for them to eat.

Vyaaghra glimpsed Rajeev emerge from the cave and trailed after him.

When Rajeev spotted that Vyaaghra was after him, he requested, "Vyaaghra, could you lend a hand me locate a couple of fruit orchards nearby?"

Vyaaghra leaned in to tell Rajeev to get on it as he bent over.

As soon as he realized what Vyaaghra was trying to tell him, he jumped on it.

He quickly turned around and witnessed that Gowthami and Ram were soundly asleep. He was concerned for their safety.

He spotted Gowthami stir up and see him at that moment.

She pointed out, "Where are you guys traveling early in the Rise?" while wiping her sleep-weary eyes.

" We are grateful you are awake. I shall be picking up some fruits and returning shortly. Please remain still and make sure you are secure."

Gowthami waved to Rajeev, saying, "Don't stress we'll be safe."

Rajeev reasoned that because Vyaaghra is a wild animal and is familiar with the whole forest, it would be okay to bring her along instead of going alone through the forest to get some fruits since it would be late otherwise.

He can prolong his period of time and return fast by having Vyaaghra advise him where the bounty of the tree is.

"Alright, Vyaaghra, let's go on" , Rajeev remarked.

Rajeev was excited to get rid of a tiger even though it was his first time going on one and he was a little afraid.

He never would have thought that he would be mounting a tiger in his life, but that is exactly what occurred when Gowthami joined it. In addition, he went through a lot of other experiences with her, and he has no idea what is ahead.

Ram woke up feeling great and with no soreness at all in his shoulder.

When he initially opened his pupils, he was scanning about for Rajeev but all he could see was Gowthami, who was seated on a little rock and toying with a short twig.

He said, "Good morning, sister-in-law."

She rolled over him, noting his voice, and said, "How are you working on, Ram? Does your wound hurt?"

" Where is Rajeev?" was the query he asked her instead of answering her queries.

"He walked to pick up some fruit home with Vyaaghra."

While engaging in conservation, they spotted Rajeev returning on Vyaaghra.

Ram was in awe as he saw his buddy killing on tiger.
Rajeev's physique gave him a regal appearance. He had studied the vedic tale of monarchs riding tigers in the past and now he was seeing it himself.

As soon as Rajeev entered the cave and discovered that the ram was awake, he got off of Vyaaghra and inquired about his current state of health.

"It's righteous Rajeev, I didn't experience any discomfort, but you look amazing when seated on Vyaaghra."

" Abolish it."  Rajeev interrupted him immediately, saying, "It sounds great that you are okay. After you get home, you ought to administer some penicillin."

" Yes, my elder brother" , Ram said, aware that Rajeev dislikes remarks.

The news that Ram is doing well made Gowthami pleased as well.

"So" , she said, "should we go back home now?"

"Not yet, we need to immediately seek for loved ones" , said Ram.

" Ram is accurate" , Rajeev agreed, "so let's go to your residence first before returning to our town."

Gowthami agreed with them, nevertheless she was also keen to obtain information regarding her background.

She turned to face Vyaaghra and said, "Can you inhabit the place where I used to live?"

Vyaaghra advances and gestures for them to adhere to her.

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