episode 32

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Ram was curious and questioned, "She solely had a father? What regarding her mother?"

The mask guy added, "She had merely her father, and her biological mother is deceased."

Her family—what about them?

Mask Man responded, "I don't know futher as per my knowledge she only had her father." However, just as the mask guy was going to say anything, he abruptly stopped.

Curious, Ram questioned, but what? He was curious about what the person was going to say.

Nothing at all. Mask Man instantly cut him.

After giving Vyaaghra some attention, Ram moved closer to her and began caressing her smooth skin. All of a sudden, he understood about that City.

Asking Ram about the community and "why you guys are covertly residing there, as well as what other people are living there" , piqued his curiosity.

Mask Man turned back to his question and said, "You may have seen or heard that a handful of individuals were murdered in the wilderness prior to that, it had been committed by Vyaaghra. No one ought to be aware regarding us, and any outsiders who would disclose our identity will be killed by this tiger and it had been drilled for that."

After hearing the mask man's words, he instantly withdrew his hand from Vyaaghra and gave her a disbelieving look.

Ram felt a bit afraid about that. Was that person slain by Vyaaghra? Actually, he was hearing that a tiger had lately murdered a couple people in the jungle.

"How come? Why did Vyaaghra murder those people?"

" because they learned about us and made an effort to disclose our identities to the outside world."

Rajeev was equally taken aback by the mask man's words and perplexed as to why these individuals were living in darkness and unaware of the outside world.

'That's why I can't discover the Gowthami family', he reasoned to himself, 'since they were unknown to the outside world.'

Rajeev brought Gowthami's picture to the police station to inquire about her name and other details. He also went through every ID that left the surrounding regions. He checked the I.D. prof that may match Gowthami's picture with the assistance of his city-dwelling acquaintances, but to his surprise, there was nobody there.

Gowthami moved slightly, and Vyaaghra saw it. It proceeded quickly to approach Gowthami and have a closer look.

When Rajeev saw that Gowthami was gradually becoming aware of herself, he immediately rushed to check on her.

She awoke slowly and said, "Rajeev, where are we?" in a worrisome voice, seeing his troubled expression.

With concern, Rajeev inquired about how he was feeling at the moment.

The guy with the mask immediately approached Gowthami. "How are you, master? Where have you been all this time? We've been looking for you everywhere. Tell us how you're feeling right now" . A happy tone permeated his voice.

Since he is hiding his face behind a mask, Gowthami is unable to distinguish him. How is it possible for her to recognise him in this situation?

She questioned him, "Who are you?" in a bewildered tone."why do you refer to me as master?"

"My voice is unfamiliar to you, me a2."

'Why is a2? What sort of name is this', Ram wondered to himself.

"Take off your mask first if you wanted her to recognize you". Ram's voice was a little agitated.

Ram had disliked him from the moment he saw him. He attempted to woo them at first, then tried to frighten him with Vyaaghra.

The mask guy gave a quick explanation, saying, "We can't reveal our identities to strangers."

" Really, how can my sister-in-law recognize you when you avoid giving her a glimpse of your face? "He was making him laugh all the way.

The guy under the mask was hesitant to show them his.

"Although it was against our regulations to reveal our identities, I'm confident she can recognize my voice and moniker". With optimism, he glanced at Gowthami.

Gowthami apologized for not recognizing her and nodded her head.

Ram chuckle.

Mask Man gave him a furious glance. Ram let him go.

Grasping her palm, Rajeev murmured, "Gowthami, this is your house. Please accompany me."
He led her out and into the hallway where her father's picture was hung.

Rajeev said, gesturing with his finger to Atreya, "Do you bear in mind him?"

After giving him a serious look, Gowthami said, "No, Rajeev."

The mask guy returned to her words.

" He is our great instructor, Sakhi, and your biological father" . The voice of Mask Man was worried.

" Dad of mine?"  Gowthami was ecstatic and shocked.
She immediately questioned, "Where is he?"

"I'm sorry we lost him, he's dead," the mask guy muttered, lowering his head.

"He has passed away" . Gowthami was devastated and shed many tears. She felt really sad.

When she eventually located her family and the home she had called home, she learned that her father had passed away.

"Keep calm, Gowthami, I'm with you,"  Rajeev reassured her while holding her firmly.

Gowthami sobbed as she gave Rajeev a hug.
Ram and the mask guy were also grieving for Gowthami.

The mask man approached Gowthami after a while and said, "Master, please follow me; we have to meet our great guru."

Ram questioned immediately away, " Who is this amazing guru?"

"the one who taught our sakhi mam."

Ram's eyes glowed with interest; he wished to know who had conceived of her abilities, and now this guy behind the mask was bringing them to him.

She told Gowthami right away, "Okay, let's go," since she wanted to know about her background.

They were led by the mask guy to a hidden location within that metropolis.

A middle-aged man wearing a mask was reading a book while seated on a chair.

The guy in the mask said, "Gurus Sakhi is back," as he glanced at him.

With his book laid aside, the middle-aged guy looked at Sakhi with joy in the corners of his eyes. He sensed Rajeev's presence at her side, cuddling Sakhi.

Upon seeing Rajeev, joy flooded his eyes.

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