episode 39

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"Should you discover this bullet, have you failed to locate the complaint that I filed at the station?"

Jignesh cast a bewildered glance at her subordinate.

Jack, one of his fellow workers, acknowledged him right away. "When they got back to Dharmagiri, Rajeev complained that he had just misplaced his rifle in the bush."

Ram came up with a strategy when Rajeev and he realized that if they discovered a corpse wolf in the forest, the police would undoubtedly look into it deeper. They also considered Rajeev's father's wish that they not tell anybody about the community. They had already devised a scheme to conceal Vyaaghra's identity.

Jignesh gave up since he lacked sufficient proof to suspect them.

A file containing the data he had gathered from Ram was also brought by the other police investigators who looked into Ram.

When Jignesh compared the statement Ram had given him, it absolutely matched the one Rajeev had given him.

"You guys can circumvent by hiding what took place in the forest, but I will undoubtedly discover all those," Jignesh stated, glancing at Rajeev.

" Although I endorse that we are accountable for those perished wolves, sir, we weren't involved in anything illegal in the way you seem to believe. We merely took that action to defend ourselves."

Jignesh didn't ask any more questions as he already knew Rajeev wasn't a horrible guy.

Following the police's departure, Abhi became interested in learning more about what had happened in the bush and asked Rajeev to explain everything.

According to Rajeev, they encountered wolves in the bush after becoming disoriented, but they managed to get away from them and locate some wild horses, who helped them make it to the Dharmagiri River.

Ram and Rajeev made up a tale because they didn't want to disclose anybody about what transpired in the bush, as Rudra had warned them not to.

Rudra specifically said that people should not even disclose it to their relatives, so Ram and Rajeev respected Rudra's advice and kept under wraps.

Abhi remembered something stated right away: "Hey Rajeev, mom and dad are coming over this evening."

Gurdeep had only begun to visit Dharmagiri when he unexpectedly received a job offer from a hospital, so he left. Sashi followed by taking back to Dharmagiri.

"We are headed back since we've gotten a job in the metropolis" , stated Abhi.

Sashi turned to face Rajeev and replied, "Yeah, Rajeev, we just got to Dharmagiri and it turns out you're missing. Now that everything's okay, we have to go back there to finish a few unfinished tasks."

They really didn't have much of a job that needed to be done.

"We had to return right now because we need to make time for the wedding", abhi stated.

Rajeev remained silent as he is aware of how horny these folks can be. "Alright, good luck and have a safe trip."

Ram responded, "I'll be joining you guys right away."

Sashi interrupted him and told him to get plenty of rest, as it was Rajeev's wedding, to be ready, and not to worry, we would take care of ourselves.

Sashi and Abhi later departed the location.

Ram was perched in the balcony, holding a photograph. When Gowthami came asking Ram to dinner, he seemed uninterested and was holding a photograph. Gowthami saw Ram, who seemed to be staring at a depressing scene. In the photo, she also saw a gorgeous lady who had characteristics with Ram.

Gowthami was aware of the woman; she was the biological mother of the ram.She then sat down next to him and said, "Wow, Ram, your mom looks gorgeous."

"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Ram said, looking up at Gowthami. "You were the only girl who entered my home after my mother departed. I felt like my mother had returned home to do Pray after a protracted absence the morning you performed it in my home."

Gowthami performed a ritual of worship and prayed for them good lives as soon as she got back to the ram home.

"Hey Ram, I'm getting hitched to Rajeev, who is half your mother, consequently from this point on I'm going to refer to you as my big son since our eldest brother's wife will be taking care of the family mother."Ram grinned and laughed at what Gowthami had said.

He turned to face Gowthami and added, "I'm very happy Rajeev picked you to be his role pattern."

After they returned from Gowthami, Rajeev overheard them chatting and proposed that they "go out to eat if your mother and large son were alright with it."Ram and Gowthami assaulted Rajeev.

"My spouse picked out that you ought to be her large son, thus you will no longer be my sibling," Rajeev stated."I'm starving, my big child; let's go to dinner."

When everyone else started to go out to make supper, Ram nodded and grinned.

When Jaishankar's buddy Gurdeep and his wife Uma evolved to Rajeev's home late that evening, Gowthami was already asleep and it was inappropriate for them to meet.

The next morning.

Under Ram's roof, Gowthami was perusing a book and unwinding.

Early in the morning, Sashi and Abhi also showed up.

Since he failed to introduce the pair to Gowthami precisely, Rajeev took Sashi and Abhi to the ram home to do so.

Gowthami saw that a woman and a tricenarian had joined Rajeev. She had previously seen them, but she had not introduced herself, and she had even misinterpreted Sashi.

Last night, Rajeev had trouble napping. As soon as he woke up, he thought about going to Gowthami, but she stayed at his place because of Gurdeep and Uma.

Rajeev rushed to give Gowthami a hug as soon as he spotted her. Sashirekha immediately stepped in.

"Hold on, dude, don't move too fast. You are not allowed to touch the bride until the two of you are hitched."

Rajeev was warned by Abhimanyu and Ram, who seized his hands.

"Until the two of you are married, you are not permitted to approach the bride, my brother."

Rajeev watched Gowthami, who was equally vulnerable, with a helpless look on her face.

"My name is Sashirekha, but you may call me Sashi. I would want to make an introduction. I was Rajeev's sister and childhood pal. Thus, it is you who has won my great brother's affection."

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