Leaver pt.2

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In this hell you are my paradise


For the second time in less than one week (with something telling you this wouldn't be the last), Rhea and you are sitting on the floor while she holds you tight against her chest and you cry your heart out. Rhea gently her fingers through your hair gently, trying to give you some comfort.

You're drowning in the mess you've created. Well, nothing new around here then. You think to yourself.

Both of you stay like that for some minutes until your tears dry. Once you feel like you're able to speak, you look at the wrestler, immediately locking your eyes in hers.

"Demi, you have no idea how good of a person you are." Your voice comes out hoarsely and she caresses your jaw with her thumb. You lean into the touch, closing your eyes.

"You are a good person too, Y/N... despite your efforts of picturing yourself as the villain." She messes with your hair. "You're not bad, love, I swear. You're not bad at all." Every single living cell in your body diaagrees.

"Ugh, how come you always know what to say, you're gonna make me cry again." You talk against her shoulder. Each time she tells you something like that makes your chest tight: She's way too good for you.

And you have known it from day one.

Rhea's POV

Y/N's shaking her head as she hugs me like her life depends on it.

"You can cry if you feel like it, love." I reassure, pulling her closer, not wanting for nerves to escalate again. "Besides, I like cuddling with you so much I don't even mind if my shirt ends up with your snot on it, as long as you know I'm here." I try to lift the mood a bit.

She mumbles a soft 'fuck you' in response.

The things she said before about me staying only made the severity of her abandonment issues clearer. From that moment, I knew she's probably heard people telling her they were leaving because of who she was and with it, I take it as a personal goal to change that. I'll make sure to repeat it until she believes me when I say that I have no intention of leaving. At all.

I hear her taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I suck at this whole communication thing but I really need you to know that I don't have enough words to apologize enough for fucking shit up again . It seems like it's all I know how to do, no matter how much I try not to. No matter how much I don't want to ...and you deserve so much better. I'm sorry."

"Shh, it's ok, you don't have to be sorry about it." I feel tears wetting my shirt and instinctively hug her tighter. "I love you. I am here."

And I'm not leaving .


You desperately want the pain to stop. More importantly, you want to stop it from getting to Rhea. Once more, the scale between you two is unbalanced by the fact that she takes your pain as hers:

You have too much of it and she deserves none.

"I love you so much," that's why I need to let you go. Your mind finishes and obviously, your eyes are filling up with tears again. This talk has been demanding a lot more energy from you than you expected.

You sit in silence for a bit while she rubs your back and leaves eventual kisses on your head. You don't really know how long you stayed that way, with her comforting you, trying to mend your pieces back together. All you know is that you don't want this to end. Being in her arms feels like a glimpse of paradise in your self-inflicted hell.

Rhea's POV

We sit in silence for some time before Y/N looks up again and her expression shows that she wants to continue the conversation but I interrupt her before any words leave her mouth.

"It's enough talk for today, moondust, let's go to bed, shall we?" My voice barely above a whisper. The red haired nods in response and clings to me.

Understanding the message and with a smile forming on my lips, I carry her to the bedroom to tuck her in. I stay beside her until she falls asleep, her hand curled under her chin.

Cute. Cute. Cute. I took a picture.

I gave her a kiss before heading to get changed for bed myself but in the middle of it, I accidentally kicked the trash can by the door, spilling all of its contents, mostly being pages and pages ripped off a notebook with Y/N's messy handwriting on it. As I was about to put them back in the can, curiosity got the best of me, making my eyes trailed over what was written. Collecting all of them, I go back to the living room to read them more carefully.

The words feel like many daggers cutting me. Did I get this all wrong? Is this a goodbye?

Does Y/N has commitment issues instead of abandonment ones? Is Y/N the leaver instead of who's left? She was not afraid of me leaving, but doing all of this in order to leave me? I have a whirlwind of thoughts that only gets bigger in my head with every line I read. The notes are confusing, chaotic even, with a lot of scratched out parts, arrows and clumsily underlined sentences all combined with some smudged parts (from what I assume are years and coffee). Not only that, the syntax all over the place with shifts from the second to third person when she refers to me, sometimes using Rhea, sometimes using Demi.

It is her heart poured on pieces of paper, raw, unfiltered, hurtful. But then, I don't think I was meant to read all of this. I can only assume her mind was a mess when she was writing it and she was doing it as an attempt to make some sense from her inner turmoil. It's all a little overwhelming to read. Yet, I try to tame my own demons to continue reading, which is not easy to do with my blurry vision and shaky hands.

When I get closer to the end, things finally start to get clearer. The thoughts I had in the beginning slowly faded away alongside the anger, being replaced by sadness as the last paragraph, that particularly had a lot of arrows and marks around it gets stuck in my head:

I want you to stay but I need you gone, Demi. It absolutely kills me when I try to push you away but it seems destruction follows me everywhere I go and I can't let it destroy you too. I can't destroy you too. I love you too much to do that... and I'd hate myself (even more) for making you stay in the damage zone.

However, written in a very small letter, barely understandable in the corner of the page there's a little observation that I nearly missed:

If this conversation goes wrong and I can't let her go, would she help unbreak me? 

a/n: what if I just ended the story right here- IM JOKING. tell me what you think in the comments? what do you think will happen next? 👀

(Un)Break me - Rhea Ripley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now