Cath - Chapter Thirty Two

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"We made it back, Princess."

I was quite proud of her. We made double the distance in a day compared to when we started, and her stamina improved enough not to demand me to carry her. She complained about Lambert's meals instead, now that he was no longer with us. As oddly as it sounds, we missed him. The coward had his uses after all...

"I think we should rest, Cath." She said although she didn't seem tired.

"The walls are in viewing distance," I noted pointing forward. "We'll get there in an hour."

"We are in no rush." She noted. "I don't want to return worn out and beaten. What would the citizens think? You have no common sense as a paladin."

"Well... You have a point, your Highness," I admitted. Her tongue wasn't as sharp as usual. "Then I'll set up camp."

"Don't bother, just let us rest and see if we have any food left. I'm starving..." She waved me off and sat on a log next to the road. We met the first human traveler yesterday, which was a nice change. It felt like we were the only ones in this world for two weeks, apart from the monsters.

"I think the orcs topped up our supplies," I said, rummaging in the Bag of Holding. When that idiot started to feed the ogre, I thought we would starve, but now our food would probably last months. It didn't taste as good as when he freshly prepared it, I didn't notice how good the court wizard was at cooking until he was gone, but I couldn't hope to make meals like he did.

We ate quietly until then the Princess became talkative. She sounded nostalgic, listing the events of our short adventure.

"I can't wait to tell my Papa how you almost killed me in the Cyreneian pass." She claimed, making me shudder. "And how the monsters rescued me before kidnapping... They saved you too, right?"

"L-let's not mention that to His Majesty." I requested, triggering a hearty laughter. "I completely failed to protect Your Highness, even though I took an oath. Lambert was more useful than me."

"I wouldn't go that far." The Princess giggled. "This mission was dumb from the start... What was the purpose anyway? I did nothing but play to the hands of the Lesser Races, and when we finally found the Goddess? Turns out, we couldn't do a thing."

"Right, I will get to the bottom of this." I agreed, thinking about what Lambert said. He suspected the Elder and said she tried to wrestle power by getting rid of us, but it sounded like a conspiracy.

"You do that, Captain of the Guard." She said, dusting herself off. "I need to change my clothes before our glorious return."

The rest of our trek passed uneventfully. We reached the city's walls after noon but it felt nothing like coming home. The guards at the gates were from the Royal Companies, not my men. I haven't seen the usual red that belonged to the Inquisitorias anywhere around.

Everything sparkled in gold, representing the royal family. It was strange, considering the Inquisitorias were seen as the sole defenders of the human race. They protected Sanctuary until now, but this change did not hint at any problems. The city seemed quiet, regardless of who posted the guards, but they recognized us and requested our patience.

"Your Highness, please allow us to prepare a proper escort to welcome you back in Sanctuary." One of them bowed deep in front of her.

"Alert my deputy that we arrived," I ordered promptly too. "I will escort Her Majesty Elizabeth directly to the King, and I want Stern to join us. No other guards are necessary."

"Oh, we must insist, Captain." The guard straightened up, looking into my eyes. "It is on the King's orders. He tightened security recently, and you might find things changed since you left."

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