fifty eight

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My eyes fluttered open to an entirely new world, and I inhaled deeply as the morning rays washed over me.

Another day already?

Rolling over, I eyed the clock on the wall and grunted at the hour. Looks like I would not be falling back asleep anytime soon.

I sat upright, eyeing the empty spot beside me. Being it was already half-eight, Asra would've left around an hour ago. I often wondered what he even did at such an ungodly hour, but he claims this time of year had a lot of paperwork.

Whatever that meant.

It was nearly the end of July. What did July have to do with paperwork?

Heaving myself from the bed, I dragged my naked ass to the bathroom. My hand scratched at my hair, an uncomfortable stickiness still between my thighs. Despite Asra's best efforts to clean me, it seemed more had... appeared.


I changed direction and climbed into the shower, forcing my hair into a bun. The water was cool, and it was the perfect thing to wake me up for the day ahead. My mind reeled with remembrance of a strange dream, but I couldn't pinpoint what I saw. I remember being home, and my mother hitting me for the first time.

It was a memory I would never forget. There was nothing but malice in her gaze, and from that day on, things grew worse. Arabella, however, had stuck to her word and pushed herself into her education. She did well, sticking to her promises. I realised it was her way of avoiding coming home, as I can't forget her expression after our mother hit me.

Her wide doe eyes were just as scared as mine were.

I often dreamt of that day. It had become a recurring nightmare of mine, alongside the first time I unwillingly lost my virginity. It usually only came when I had something heavy on my mind, so it was understandable why. I was just glad it was that dream and not the one of Darius, because I usually woke up screaming when that one came.

Once clean, dry, and dressed for the day, I made my way downstairs. The death box rattled slightly on its way down and I practically ran out of it when the doors opened. My heart raced as I struggled to exhale, staring at the glinting mirrored wall as the doors slowly shut behind me.

It was teasing me.

Stupid death box.

Today was Friday, so breakfast would be a free for all. One thing I hated the most about the pack house was the availability of snacks and breakfast space. I see why Piper loved weekend breakfasts more; they already cooked everything for you!

My eyes scanned the various wolves still around until I found someone familiar. Her back was to me, but the dark braids of her hair swished violently as she shook with laughter. I haven't seen her in a while, not since she got me shit-faced. We had spoken little.

I eyed Mya's back as I helped myself to some cereal. Various wolves in passing greeted me softly, and I smiled politely at them before I entered the dining area as quietly as I could. Instead of tapping the warrior on the shoulder, I stood beside her, intent on listening to her conversation. But alas, the moment I even got near, she had shut up and was already looking at me.

"Ailia, good morning." She raised an eyebrow.

"Damn wolf's ears." I huffed, raising my spoon to my mouth.

Mya excused herself from the man she was speaking to before taking my elbow and leading me to a table. I was mid-spoonful; the milk dribbling down my chin as she dragged me to a seat. Complaining through a mouthful of Cheerios, I glared at her.

"What's that look for?" She huffed. "Oh wait, it's that time of the month, isn't it?"

I shook my head. "You made me spill my cereal."

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