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Hello everyone!

To those of you who are picking up Bound by Deception and willing to give it a read, I just wanted to say thank you! This book is a personal favorite of mine, inspired by the likes of Spy x Family, Buddy Daddies, and more! 

I consider this to be a low-fantasy story, where there's no magic but there are more advanced forms of technology and, of course, underground assassin groups along with many prominent families of nobility. Bound by Deception follows the journey of Aria Kumar, the niece of a well-known noble family, and Sterling Drazek, known as the 'disgraced Duke', as they fight to eliminate all potential threats to their country from the enemy, Grandville. 

This story is a first draft, so there will be some places of inconsistencies or some places where I just forgot a certain part of the story that I wrote in the beginning. Not to worry, though, because all of this will be corrected in the editing (when I decide to get to it at some point 😅). After editing there will definitely be some more added scenes, in-depth worldbuilding, and more complex and illustrated family dynamics, but for now, this is what I have, and I hope that despite it not having gone through clean editing (apart from grammar, for the most part), you will enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

Again, please keep in mind that this is a first draft, and I am well aware that there are certain areas where I have neglected to remember a certain aspect of a character or where I lacked in world-building. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but hate is not. Seriously, I don't mind opinions, because each story is not everyone's cup of tea, but if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it. 

The main characters of this story are Lady Aria Kumar, the niece of a prominent noble family, and Sterling Drazek, a former Duke who has mostly retreated from society. Aria is of Indian heritage while Sterling is half-Polish. Aria is also disabled, which is briefly mentioned in the story (but again, will be emphasized upon during the editing and potential rewriting). 

All in all, I hope you enjoy this story, and stay tuned for the upcoming sequel! 

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