👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 54 👑

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The four walk down the side street, seeing that students are frantically putting some last-minute touches on their booths, and some students are going over some sort of a schedule, mostly shifts for the fair. "It ain't even open yet, and it's already buzzin' with people!" Grim says as he watches the students move around more quickly, a big difference from the sight the two saw earlier with people taking their time to make sure everything was perfect.

"This festival is a gathering of students from across the nation. There's a lot of people attending, even just counting the staff and organizers," Trey explains.

The blaring sound runs through the air again, getting everyone's attention. "Thank you all for your patience. The National Arcane Academy Culture Fair is now open," the system announces.

The students clap and cheer at the news, at least happy that they were able to get their booths and presentations ready just in time for people to come through. Soon enough, the sound of clapping and cheers were overshadowed by the sound of distant rumbling, making everyone look down the street, seeing a group of people frantically heading their way and stopping, some looking for directions and others continue to walk. "Which way in the Purple Stage where they're holding the Song & Dance Championship?!" A woman frantically says.

"Where's the standby area for purchasing cancelled same-day tickets?!" A man quickly asks.

"I can't wait to see Neige IRL!" Another woman happily says, squealing a bit.

"Eeeee! This is where Vil goes to school? Oh-em-squeel, I HAVE to post this to Magicam!" A lady says as she pulls out her phone, taking pictures.

"YOU THERE! HUMAN!" A familiar voice yells and the group sees two familiar faces. "No running! And stop looking at your smartphone while walking!" Sebek shouts to various guests, while some of the shrink back to follow the directions he gave.

"The same-day ticket raffle is not first-come, first served. Follow the staff's instructions and stay in line," Silver calmly says.

"Whoa, what's with the giant mob?!" Grim says in shock, seeing that just behind the two there was about 200 people.

"I think we've found Vil and that Neige LeBlanche boy's fan," Riddle states as he notice more people joining the mob, excited at the prospect of meeting their idols.

"I knew they were global celebrities, but wow," Trey says in shock at the sight.

"Did you come to check up on things, Riddle?" Silver asks while guiding the visitors. "We've started a standby line behind the coliseum, just as planned."

"What is with these crowds?!" Sebek says in annoyance as another group of hundreds of people quickly appear. "I keep sorting them out, and more just keep coming! Wretched humans!"

"Sebek, how many times must I tell you to stop referring to people as 'humans'? Remember, you're representing our school," Riddle scolds.

"Riddle's right," Silver agrees. "Besides, you're half one yourself. Your rudeness will reflect poorly on Malleus and Lilia. Choose your words more carefully."

"Wha-" Sebek angrily looks at Silver. "HOW DARE YOU TALK DOWN TO ME, SILVER!" He angrily shouts.

"Yeesh, this guy's loud! My ears are ringin' already!" Grim groans.

"Sports club freshmen certainly have energy to burn," Trey chuckles.

"I was anticipating large crowds, which was why I put Equestrian Club members front and center," Riddle explains. "I figured that if anyone would excel and diplomacy and customer service, it would be them."

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