👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 47 👑

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Once the music finished, the room was filled with silence, aside from the faint sound of everyone's breathing as Angel, Grim, and Crowley watch in awe as they stop. "Oh..." Crowley says. "OOOH! Marvelous. Simply marvelous!" He happily exclaims. "You're all in such perfect sync! I knew I made the right call putting Scheonheit in charge for production. An ultra-trendy song, sharp dance moves, incredible singing, and highly thematic lyrics...I give it top marks across the board!"

"Heh..." Vil chuckles. "But of course. What do you take me for?"

"What I've always taken you for," Crowley says. "A leading global talent- no, of correction- the housewarden of Pomefiore, our campus's most historic and beautiful dorm." I feel like he corrected himself there... "The SDC is a musical recital. We won't know what songs the other school have chosen until the day of..." he states to the group. "But you have a level of polish that makes you worthy of being called top contenders. Scheonheit. NRC. Defeat Royal Sword Academy and prove your beauty to the world!" He states with enthusiasm.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responds.

"The headmage seems very enthusiastic about this whole thing, don't you think?" Kalim asks as he sees Crowley's happy expression, or at least, that is what he sees from his mask.

"Knowing him, he probably thinks it would be a huge publicity boost if we won," Jamil states.

"Oh, yes-" He says, getting everyone's attention. "I have something for you all." He digs into his cloak, pulling out thin pieces of paper and handing a paper for everyone. He hands Angel a paper, making her confused as she takes it.

She reads the black and gold paper clearly. "Song & Dance Championship affiliate tickets?" She reads in confusion. "Are you sure I should get one as well?" She asks him. Crewel already said that he was going, so who else would I give it to?

"Tickets to the SDC remain hot commodities every year. I've used our status as the host school to reserve a small handful of affiliate seats," he explains to the group. "You can give them to your friends and family."

"Ooh! Thanks, Headmage!" Kalim happily says. "My mom and dad said they'd rented out a few movie theaters for the event back home. They'll be holding a live viewing with all the household staff and family."

"My little sister said she'd be visiting for the culture fair. I suppose I could give her one," Jamil says in thought. "Though it does make me a tad nervous knowing family will be watching."

"And on that note, don't let me keep interrupting your practice," Crowley happily says. "I'll be taking my leave now. Break a leg, everybody." He leaves the room.

"All right, boys, back to practice," Vil states to the group as the door closes.

"Yes, sir!" They happily say with enthusiasm, mainly knowing that the headmage supports their performance so far.

Grim looks at the group with a smile. "Lookin' at these guys now, it's like all the struggles we saw at first never even happened."

"We might actually win this!" She happily says as they watch the group continue to practice.

During the night, Grim was snoring in his sleep, keeping Angel awake as his snores start to fill the room. She sighs, remembering how she was able to get a good night sleep when Grim was immobilized weeks ago, but since they've come so far, it wasn't right to just push him out, especially since everyone else was sleeping in the other rooms. While listening to his snores, her eyes kept heading towards the mirror, hoping that she would see Mickey again, but it didn't accept her wish, only showing a reflection of the opposite side of the room instead. "Nothing odd in the mirror today, either," she sighs, seeing that it was another night of wishful hope dashed. She found it a little funny these past few weeks. Ever since that dream she had, she hasn't been sleeping well, usually opting out to sit in the chair and watching the window as time goes by, hoping that she wouldn't have a nightmare like that again. It worked for a while, sometimes sneaking outside the dorm for a breath of fresh air to clear her head, even finding herself singing and humming along to the song the group was practicing while she was outside. She was glad at the fact that everyone was asleep during the time since it was the only time she had peace and quiet, but she saw that it took a toll on her, seeing herself becoming a bit paler each day. Luckily, thanks to Vil's skincare routine, she was able to mask it, trying to clear any doubts of her health from others, but it did still take a toll. She even had to try and sneak in a 10 minute nap every now and then when she wasn't busy with homework. Her thoughts head back to the mirror, hoping that even a tiny glow would let her see Mickey again, but the mirror didn't respond, not that it could after all. "Maybe I was just dreaming about Mickey after all..." She says in thought, recalling the memory. Thinking back on it, she was quite exhausted that day she saw him. She remembered how everyone moved in a day or two before that and how practice instantly started, being busy catching up with schoolwork, the group, and housework at the same time. And then there was the talk with Kalim along with the other's 'snack mission' that she actually started to think that she was just imagining things happening. She sighs and gets out of bed, careful not to wake Grim up and glance at the mirror, seeing that it still reflected the other side of the room. She sighs in defeat, seeing how the mirror isn't going to respond to her wishful hopes and glance at the window, seeing another sleepless night was upon her. "Hm?" She says as she looks out, seeing something was different. "I see something in the garden..." She says as she squint her eyes, seeing small flicker of lights. She thinks for a moment. The fairies aren't around campus since it's still a bit cold outside, so what was going on outside? She looks closely, eyes widening as she look at the lights, seeing that it was a familiar greenish tint. "I know those yellow-green lights..." She says as she looks at them. Could it be...? She quickly put on a jacket, and start to head out of the door, only to hesitate for a moment and get something off the dresser as she heads out in a rush.

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