Chapter 1

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~Professor Levi Ackerman~

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~Professor Levi Ackerman~

Shit... I'm late!

After pacing around the halls, there was no sign in finding the class that you were desperately looking for. Today was the first day of fall session at your university and being late to your first class is not an ideal start, not after waking up so late and having an effortless-made breakfast. Things weren't going your way.

Looking down at the school's map, you wished you should've stopped and asked an administrator how to get to where you needed to be. Ruffling your hair, you were about to throw the pamphlet on the floor until you felt someone approaching you from behind.

"Excuse me, miss," by that voice, you turned to see a tall, blonde man in a clean business suit peering down at you. "Are you lost?"

Your prayers have been answered. Thank the heavens and earth for sending me an angel to find this bloody room...!

"Yes! I'm trying to find this room if you know where it is," you brought the map to his face and pointed at your destination.

The man skimmed at the map and noticed something very particular where you were pointing. For a brief second, you thought you saw his face flinched but then he covered it with his hand over his chin.

"Ah, a French class, is it?" he watched you nod eagerly and then pointed to a direction where you haven't explored yet. "All the language arts classes are over in that building. If I were you, you better hurry if you don't want to get a tardy. Or better yet, a drop from the class."

"Dropping?!" you couldn't believe her ears. "The professor can't do that, can he? On the first day of school?"

The man chuckled as he slightly scratched the side of his cheek nervously, "As absurd as it is, he can do that. If you're not in class by the time he calls roll, you will be. The professor you chose is a strict one."

"N-No way...," the distraught displayed on your face as you felt even more tensed than you already were before. All that time and money you saved up during the summer to take this course have all gone to waste. Just your luck, the first class of the day will be a disastrous one.

The man stared at you observantly and sighed, patting your small shoulder assuringly before walking ahead of you. "Let's go. I will escort you to your class and give a word to your professor."

You were amazed by the suggestion, slowly following after him with surprised eyes. "Really?"

"Of course," he grinned. "How can I say... Your French teacher and I had a long history with each other. We were colleagues."

You didn't realize how lucky you were, as much as it caught your attention. Not only did this man came to save you from a pit of darkness, but also saving you from an irritated monster that awaits in his classroom.

"And you are...?"

"Erwin Smith," he greeted with hand extended out to yours. "Professor Erwin Smith, teaching politics and philosophy. And yours?"

Taking his hand in yours, you shook it once and smiled formally to meet one of your upcoming professors you will be having later this week. "[First and Last Name], a second year in college. It's pleasure to meet my political science teacher after French."

"Oh, a student of mine? What a coincidence. Hope you enjoy your stay at our university."

The guy didn't come off as bad as you thought he would be, but being mindful, you knew he was going to be a hard teacher when it comes to studies. He looked like one of those types of guys so you stayed aware of him.

By the time you two arrived at the building, the class was in session since you heard a voice speaking loudly inside. Erwin took the initiative and entered the room with you following behind him, hoping this French teacher you heard of won't immediately drop you.

"You there," the stern voice was aimed towards you. "You are dropped from this class."

No fucking way! How does he know who I am?!

"According to my roll sheet, you're the only one who didn't show up on time. Therefore, you are not allowed to attend this course anymore," he said with less emotion in his voice which it annoyed the hell out of you.

Not only that, he informed this in front of the whole class, explaining why everyone's eyes were set on you the entire time and whispering a few jokes to themselves.

"What?! You gotta be joking-"

But Erwin cut you off by putting his arm out in front you defensively, shaking his head and then approached your French teacher with much casualty. So you only stood there awkwardly by the door, angry and embarrassed, while your political teacher muttered a few things to the shorter man behind the podium.

This Professor Levi Ackerman was already a bother to you the second you walked into his room, being humiliated by him and his illogical rules. Thankfully, you still have Erwin as your weapon to convince him to keep you in the class otherwise.

After a few minutes of discussion, the face of your French teacher leered at the blond man but a sigh of defeat was heard under his breath. You took this as a positive sign.

Then his steel eyes aimed towards your way, making you jump by the intensity in them; cold and disheartening. Levi Ackerman is a scary fellow.

"Sit," was all he said.

Restraining yourself from saying anything rude, you held your veins in place and searched for an open spot in the room. Your luck has gotten better since the only seat that isn't occupied is the one right in front of his desk.

After cursing and cursing, you landed yourself in the chair with less enthusiasm, awaiting your next punishment as the loser of the class. But the gods from above decided to jinx you as you watched Erwin leaving the room and your now French teacher came towards your desk in a haughty manner.

"Starting today, I will be your French teacher for the year and I will respond by the name of Professor Levi," he instructed, throwing a lemon-colored packet of the syllabus onto your table. "I will let class out early today after a short lecture about this course. But as for you Ms. [Name], you will stay until the very end."

The expression on your face didn't match the frustration within you, as you gaped wildly and bang your head on the desk in complaint. Curling your fingers in your hair, you didn't expect anything like this to happen on the first day of school.

Life, why?

A Student-Teacher Thing | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now