Chapter 35

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~Make Up~

Leading you back up the stairs, Levi closed his wet umbrella, minimizing it in order to enter the front door to his apartment room. You stayed where you are after he had entered and hung the hook of the umbrella on a coat rack, still deluged and cold as the change of temperature dropped dramatically.

You shuddered desperately which he noticed right away.

He offered you to take a shower in his bathroom in order to get clean and dry while he looked for spare clothes for you to change out of your wet ones.

After couple of minutes of just washing yourself, you let your wet hair loosen as it fell onto the back of your large crew neck sweater, almost covering Levi's boxer briefs you wore since they were the smallest pair of pants he owns that could fit you.

You awkwardly stepped out of the steamy bathroom as the haze rippled out to the wooden floor, letting the fog out. Once you came upon the living room, Levi's voice was growling from the distant along with a couple of shuffles.

"Damn cat... Stop that."

You peeked your head around the corner and saw his body crouched on his rug with his head planted on the side underneath the couch.

"Get out of there, filthy animal," but his hand drew back when a paw was emerging from the foot of the couch, hitting him. Levi continued to hiss at it while it legitimately hissed back.

A low laugh suppressed from you, causing the man on the floor to get up on his feet.

"Having fun?" you joked.

"Don't mock me," he glared at you, then trudged to the counter where you had left the bag of cat food. He tore it open with his fingers.

Shaking your head, you slipped in one of the tall stools at the island counter. "It only wants to play. You can't be too harsh on it since it's still a baby."

"You're taking it to your apartment after today," he ordered while scooping a cup full of little brown pebbles in a small bowl. He set it down on the floor for the cat to feast that is waiting by his feet. "That thing is going to shed all over the place and I don't want to be the one to clean after it."

Rolling your eyes back, you watched as Levi began to brew a kettle of hot tea in two separate mugs. The strong aroma wafted through the air as it sent warming chills down your spine. You felt his eyes glancing at you for a second, setting the pot down and coming around the corner to greet you.

Your body stiffened, dazed at his body standing next to your chair and pulled the towel that was resting over the stool beside you. In a split second, your head was rubbed gently by the towel, ruffling your damped hair.

"You never learn to take of yourself, do you?" He kept on drying your hair, kneading your head and pulling the water from the roots. "I wouldn't be shocked if you catch a cold the next day, all because you can't dry yourself properly."

His infuriating insults didn't seem to mind you when you're too busy focusing on his hands rubbing your head with a fluffy cloth. It was strange to hear Levi talking like himself after you saw the worst of his behavior yesterday. With his attitude now, you never realized how lightly they are compare to last night.

You stayed quiet the entire time until he was done drying your hair; a little soaked but better than it was before when you gotten out of the shower. Levi reached for the hot mug from a far and handed it to you by grabbing the handle.

Then he pinched your pink cheek, not too hard like the times he was irritated with you but more like a loving manner.

The gesture was sweet itself, almost touching you at a deeper level than it needed to be. The fact that Levi is still his kind self, even after the times you insulted him and put him down with the things you've said that could possibly create tension - or perhaps hatred.

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