Chapter 29

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"It was nice meeting you, [Name]," the sweet smile on Kuchel didn't leave her profile as she waved gently at you from her bed.

You turned with a mimicking smile as you held her hand assuringly by her bedside, brushing your thumb over the dry paleness of her knuckle. The gesture was filled with love and care, you viewed this woman as a prize of Levi's world.

She represents all the kindness within him.

"I will see you soon," you promised her thoughtfully, and you weren't faking it.

Kuchel saw the persistence in your eyes, glowing like a spec of a firefly. Then she aimed her tired eyes at the man standing behind you, in wait for his turn.

"Levi," she muttered.

He stiffened at her voice, luring him to come closer to meet her face to face. Once he sat over the side of the silk sheets, his head was lowered while Kuchel pulled him into a soft hug - kissing at the top of his head in farewell.

Levi just eyed his mother attentively as she still greeted him with a loving smile, forgiving him. His hand squeezed over hers and then loosing his grip to stand, joining you to walk out of the room in ease.

Once the two of you walked in the halls, the comfortable silence began.

"She must love you," you quenched in confidence, drawing his eyes towards you in interest.

He didn't say anything to argue your opinion, but to dwell into his mind full of unnecessary reverie. Gazing at his inexpressive form, you sensed a hint of agreement excreting from his face - completely inaudible and unspoken.

His mouth opened to word the rest of his thoughts but the sudden footsteps caught his attention, directing his eyes behind you. You spun around to see the victim he was looking at and saw a familiar head striding towards you with a smaller body wrapped in her arms.

"[Name]?" it was your aunt, standing and active with your baby cousin cooing against her chest. "So surprised to see you here."

Your lips twitched upwards, displaying a sign of eagerness.

"Aunt Becca," you relieved a smile. "I-I was looking for you!"

"Sorry, I was just getting ready to leave," she accounted, rocking the baby in soft jumps. "The doctor told me I'm healthy enough to be dismissed, along with my baby."

You were thankful that she believed your excuse. At first, you forgotten that this is the same hospital where your aunt is resting. Now that she's here, it was convenient to see her out of bed.

"Who's this?" she eyed at your college professor, silent and observing the interaction between you and her.

"This is Levi," you introduced them to each other. "This is my aunt, Becca. She just gave birth to my cousin."

A Student-Teacher Thing | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now