Chapter 22

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~Morning Wakings~

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~Morning Wakings~

Rays of white light hit the panes of the window, inching every wall and brightening the corner of your room as well as morning birds chirping faintly of the outside greenery. The blinding light made you squeeze your eyes tight, blurring your vision while you fluttered your lids open from sleepiness.

The minute you adjusted your mind and sight, a groggy groan seeped from your parted lips along with a long yawn. Your body rolled to your side in order to shield your face from the sunlight broadening your bedroom and drift yourself to your previous dreams.

In the middle of your slumber, a sudden thought occurred to you once you felt your arm was stretched across something uneven, knowing that it isn't the flat surface of your bed but someone under the sheets with you.

That moment, you widened your eyes due to last night's accident, flashing back to you like a black and white film. Now, you realized that you just stirred on top of an awake Levi with his arms cradling behind his head while you snuggled against his chest.

Jerking away from his body, you given yourself a fair distance between you and him on the bed.

"Levi!" you called. "Shit! I uh- How long were you... Did we-"

"It happened," he flatly replied, still unmoved from his comfortable position. He forgotten his thorough words as he saw how much you reacted to his insensible answer with an expressive face. "I mean, not like that."

That scared you for a second. You were praying it to be a dream if you and Levi have done the hanky-panky in bed without even realizing it. Although, the idea of sleeping in the same bed with him is just as outrageous.

With cheeks reddening, you turned your body from him to collect your sleepy thoughts and mind the right words to fill in the awkward situation - the fact that you shared the same bed with a man who you barely know.

But Levi didn't make it even better.

"You drooled on me," he commented which you directed your gaze on him curiously.

He was pulling his collar where an evident water mark stained his shirt. You gaped widely at him.

"Because of you, I didn't get my usual three hours of sleep due to your awful snoring, like a hideous grizzly bear hibernating through the winter."

"You blunt, little thickhead!"

Minimizing your eyes at him in disgust, you swacked him with a plushie at his face, glaring perilously at him for making fun of your sleeping habits. Along with his bed hair, you made it even worse as it was tossed by your effortless hit. Levi didn't made an expression but you can tell from his pupils that there was a bit of challenge ignited in them.

At this point, you knew you were going to lose this fight.

He planted a pillow at your face in revenge and pinched a handful of your cheek, yanking your head down. With a yelp, you managed to grab the side of his hip in attempt to tickle him.

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