Chapter 38

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~Rekindle With the Past~

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~Rekindle With the Past~

You stayed around the room in order to wait for your eye-candy date from talking to Oluo. Standing with the woman of the party, Petra was making a great company to you while everyone only acknowledged your presence instead of interacting with you.

You were just talking to Farlan and Isabel a minute ago to catch up with the news of your aunt's newborn child and how things were going for you and Levi. You didn't want to let them know too much about your love life with him, although you just slept with the man not too long ago and you proclaimed your feelings towards him.

"I'm going to the washroom really quick, [Name]. My fiance and I are going to make a brief speech soon," the ginger head informed you and you nodded.

Toasting your half-empty champagne glass to her, you watched as she hastened to the women's restroom to appease her woman charms. Now it was just you and your glass of champagne meandering in the corner.

You thought you were alone until someone approached you from behind, cutting into your sight and smiling at you with a dazzling smile.

"Excuse me, miss? Would you like to try a macaron with a raspberry ganache?" it was a tall male in his late twenties, dressed formally with a green tie and black tux.

He didn't seem like a waiter to you since he wasn't carrying a tray of food with him.

So you shook your head, "I'm okay. I'm just going to have my champagne."

"That's alright. My brother is a baker and Petra was nice enough to give him a job to make desserts for today and her wedding," he explained about himself which solved your question about his offer.

Nodding your head, you sipped on your glass. "Interesting. So you're close to Petra."

"Just a tad bit. I knew her through Oluo while we were business partners. I was ecstatic to hear that they were engaged," he smiled.

"I was, too," you replied carefully, but you didn't speak the entire truth.

Putting his hands in his pockets, the man took a glimpse at you and continued to make his stay as your company, "You seem alone. Did you come here with anybody?"

"Just one person, but I'm basically here for Petra and her dinner party," you told him.

"Same for me. I only came here with my brother but he's awfully busy with the food prep, so technically I'm alone."

"Nothing wrong with being alone," you added with a smile.

"I agree," he returned it and then there was a slight pause between you two, as you sensed him being hesitant. "Well, if you don't mind, I have an available spot right next to me for dinner."

That was when your lips fell deeply at his suggestion and your intuition was correct. He appeared to be a nice gentleman just offering you food until he whipped out the flirty card. He was hitting on you.

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