Chapter 10

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The rest of the evening you spent in the kitchen grew tiresome to your muscles, mostly standing all of the time and constantly rinse your hands and then dry them. You were beginning to feel your skin cracking by the minute you kept cooking and washing dishes. It has been some time now ever since you left your dish in the oven and you gotten heavily bored by sitting around and do nothing.

You had no idea it would take this much effort and time just prep one large dish.

So, to kill the extra time you had left, you managed to get your laundry done and sprinted  down the apartment's laundry matts to throw in your smelly clothes into the washer. While you've counted change in your palm, your finger slipped and dropped a nickel to the bottom of your foot, eying it as it tumbled and rolled to a few feet far from you until it hit against a person's shoe.

"Sorry," you tried to redeem your coin but the person who stood in front of you made you gag. Your lips frowning and your eyes narrowed spitefully, there was nothing left for you to say something pleasant.

"What are you, a stalker?" Lazy eyes met your annoyed ones.

Moments like these, the presence of Levi doesn't seem to startle you as much as it did before. It's starting to be a daily routine, now that your life mostly consists of your French teacher every day - in school and your living lifestyle.

"I should say the same," you retorted angrily, swiping the coin off the floor and then stormed back to your own laundry matt.

He gave a slight groan at you as he attended to his series of folding clothes. "I'm only washing my clothes, like you are."

"I should've expected that from you," you mumbled to yourself, inserting the last quarter from your pocket to the slot. Eventually, the sound of the washer machine trembled against the floors of the room, initiating a small earthquake underneath.

Levi didn't say anything else to you, as he kept on arranging his wardrobe of suits and collared shirts into a tall stack. You paused, and then remembered of the events of yesterday's mishap, so you set your laundry basket onto the lid of another available washer.

"Hey, what was that note all about?" you questioned; a question that should've been asked when he was helping you carrying your groceries in the room.

He hummed in bewilderment while aiming his motionless eyes at you, but concluded about the topic. "What do you mean? I just wanted to inform you where your keys and clothes are," he accounted. "Is that wrong?"

"I meant about me drinking and stripping," you told him menacingly. "I swear, Levi, if I know for a fact that-"


Why does that matter?!

"Whatever!" you spatted. "If I know for a fact that you tried anything on me, I would hand you over to the police in no time."

A Student-Teacher Thing | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now