Chapter 31

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"Bye, [Name]. See you after class!"

Krista guided you to your classroom door, waving and leaving by the ajar space where multiple of students drew inside like a bee hive. Before walking in with the others, you waved back at your friend who was already strode down the hall until she reached the stairs.

Attentive from the easiness of waking in the morning, you spotted a particular head making his way at the opposite direction from you, approaching the classroom with a book in his hand and framed spectacles shaping his taunting features.

The familiar feeling rushed towards your chest as last night's mishaps recalled to your head.

"Morning, professor," you greeted as he finally noticed your being in front of him.

Quirking a brow at you, Levi looked almost bewildered but then loosened.

"It's awfully strange to hear you refer me as 'professor'," he alluded in confusion. This, you caught yourself thinking, too.

After two months of building a strong bond with him, you haven't been calling him by his teacher name, but you never noticed that he had stopped being anal about you just saying his surname.

"Oh," you muttered and then hinted, "I just thought it was right to be formal in school."

Lowering his shoulders, he agreed with your statement and remembered that his secrecy with you being your neighbor and stealing hot kisses from time to time. It was forbidden for many people to know.

"Formality is likely," he replied in a soft tone, looking downwards at you as you waited for him to say more.

But you were caught off guard when a certain pinch clutched at your cheeks quickly, giving it a little, gentle squeeze and then releasing it. You placed your hand over your pink cheek and stared at your professor trudging inside the classroom after he made a playful act on you.

A smile resisted from your lips, pressing them together from the build up collecting in your chest when Levi did his signature stunt. You were starting to miss it.

Following after his steps, you plodded to your awaiting desk where the available seat was opened for you. You waited patiently for class to begin and let the rest of the few minutes tick away.

In the middle of your pencil tapping, a presence neared you quietly and shyly, tiptoeing by your table as your eyes were drawn to the figure standing in your peripheral vision.

"Excuse me?"

You glanced up and met emerald gems peering down at your sitting position. You noticed those eyes before and you were familiarized with his face.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked pleasantly, pointing at the remaining spot beside your desk. "I've been having a hard time looking from the back, so I thought I should sit up close to get a better sight at the board."

A Student-Teacher Thing | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now