Chapter 7

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A/N: I just want to say how hot and sexy Levi looks in the pic

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A/N: I just want to say how hot and sexy Levi looks in the pic. He can teach me all ways in French, am I right?! *cackles* Sorry.


You can't help but to ponder about the possibilities of Levi's sensual words. They held so many meanings that you wouldn't dare want to get in depth. The days of just rotting in your daydreams and getting lost in an endless fantasy, these types of scenarios would only happen in shoujo mangas you've read.

"Come to my office hours, and I can show show you 'a better understanding' in French."

They appear to be erotic to you once he said those words, and you weren't sure if you should be boastful about the tutoring session or fearful. It would be just you and Levi alone, and you don't what to expect out of it.


You jolted in your seat by Marco's hand shaking in your sight. Unaware of your surroundings, you saw your classmates gathered up around the table where they enjoyed their early brunch. The smell of crummy English muffin and sizzling bacon wafted the air, you had no idea how or why you didn't notice the strong fragrance in the first place.

"Are you even listening?" the one who asked was Krista with a short biscuit hovering over her lips.

Stammered, you began to speak nervously. "Yes! Erm, no... Yes and no."

"Which is it?"

You decided not to answer this time, since it was already obvious that you were in a stance of sheer loss and confusion. You embarrassed yourself by thinking about the tolerant man in your French class.

Connie waved his hand indiscreetly. "See, not even [Name] is paying attention. I bet you anything that she has work, doesn't she?"

"Anyways," Marco coughed, disclosing your absence of mind from the argument. "[Name], you want to get a drink with us later today? Apparently, Jean wants a 'get together' if you're up for it."

You were considering in the thought. After the whole week of frustration and stress from both school and work, an alcoholic beverage would soothe your mind.

So you nodded, "Sure! I'm off. It's just I have tutoring today if you guys don't mind waiting for me."

"It's alright," Connie smiled. "Some of us are planning to pre-game."

"Which I gladly decide not to be a part of," you quietly laughed to yourself. Pre-gaming before the actual drinking doesn't seem to suit your style. You will dreadfully be fucked than the normal fucked if you participate in the needless act.

"I'll wait for you, [Name]," Krista offered kindly. "Just tell me when you're done from tutoring."

You agreed her helping hand, and then carried on to your brunch activity before noon washes away within the day.

A Student-Teacher Thing | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now