Chapter 32

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Eventually you came home to silence, exhaustion emitted from the soak of your bones, walking through the front door in ease and dropping your backpack onto the ground. You checked the time on your watch while you peeled off your shoes from your heels, glancing at it quickly before maneuvering towards your bedroom where your closet is located.

From Eren's offer earlier, you agreed to have him take you out as a treat. With your stomach grumbling and your bank account catching flies, you thought it was would be generous of him to spend on you this once since he was the one who embarrassed you in front of class.

No matter what the issue was, you were meeting him up for dinner like two people going out on an ordinary day.

Switching your day clothes to a more comfortable attire for night, you fixed your hair in the mirror to a messy up-do and scanned your outfit in approval. Apparently, Eren said he would take you to a semi-formal restaurant - not too cheap or expensive.

You were finding another piece of handbag to take with you until you heard a certain knock coming from your front door. Peeking an eye from your room, you stared at the door where the excessive sounds continued.

You walked over to greet the person on the other side of the door.

"Hello?" you opened just a gap, but the familiar figure stood on your doorstep in complete stillness. And you did not want to see the last of him, considering how this morning turned out.

"Levi," you widened the door for him, "what's up?"

"I need to-," then he stopped once his expressionless eyes caught a glimpse of your body dressed in a different attire from today. He noticed that you looked somewhat nice and presentable.

He was about to ask, but he continued from where he left off, "I need to borrow a couple of paper towels. I ran out."

"Go ahead," you indulged, nodding and opened the door for him to enter. He walked in casually.

After letting him in, you closed the door behind you and led Levi to the closet where you kept your essentials and stocks trapped in a closed space. He followed you, waiting for you to reach in the darkness of your cluttered closet for a roll of paper towels for him to have.

You lent it to him.

"Hope this is enough for you," you said in consideration when you were about to grab for another roll for him in case.

He just shook his head, "It's fine."

Taking it from you, he kept at a fair distance behind you when you walked back to your living room in search for your handbag. You would expect the short man to make his leave from your apartment, instead you felt his presence lingering in the same air as you.

He contemplated.

"What are you dressed for?" he asked accusingly, almost suspiciously but you didn't detect that sort of tone from him.

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