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⚠️: contains mature scenes... proceed only if you are comfortable! No negativity should be spread in the comments section, but constructive criticism is always allowed.

Thank enjoy.....🫶🏻💋

"Adhiraj, try to understand! Adhya will start crying if she doesn't get to see me!", I said to my husband in a pleading tone

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Adhiraj, try to understand! Adhya will start crying if she doesn't get to see me!", I said to my husband in a pleading tone.

"Sweetheart why are thinking so much, so many people are here to take care of her. And my princess is a very good girl, she'll not cry!", Adhiraj cooed me caressing my cheeks with his thumb followed by ogling me shamelessly.

Well, it's our third year anniversary today and my husband has planned to spend it in a nightclub with me. Of course we did celebrate this auspicious occasion with our family in the afternoon, but this night is only reserved for both of us. It's not that I don't want to go, but I have developed a habit to stay with my little baby most of the time so leaving her for so many hours is worrying me a lot.

"Fine then! But first I will feed her and then get ready. You go and wait downstairs.", I said to him and looked at my baby who was playing with her toys sitting on her crib. Adhya is a very quiet kid luckily.

"Can't I stay here sweetheart, and get some food as well?", Adhiraj muttered shamelessly with an innocent smile on his face.

I can clearly understand what he means! This man is so shameless.

He was already set to head out wearing a royal blue coloured t shirt and black denims. His hard and brawny well toned muscles were perfectly visible through the fittings of his shirt. He is looking so mine!

He was about to come closer to me with the unholy thoughts in mind but I pushed him away with a stern look.

"Sweetheart! It's our anniversary.", he cooed me pouting.

"You'll get your things later but first my little princess is going eat her food.", I said in a baby voice and walked towards the crib towards my two year old little daughter. She isn't three as of yet.

"Mu...mmaaa...", my little princess gibberishes lifting her arms in my direction.

"Yes my baby!", saying I picked her up into my arms and walked towards the bed. Adhya has now got habituated to eat some baby food as well, so I am feeding her that only. I made my little princess sit on my lap, tied the napkin around her neck and started feeding her, while narrating small stories to her and she was eating like a good girl. But all through this eating session her gaze was fixed at one person, her father.

This girl! She is so in love with her Dadda, that she cannot even stop staring at him.

"Baby what happened?", I finally asked her after wiping her mouth with the napkin. I am successful feeding her the entire thing.

Tied Together✨| 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن