Chapter 20: Stage 2 will now begin

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I wake up once again feeling overheated, I try shuffling but I find that I'm trapped in a warm cocoon of sorts, I reluctantly open my eyes to see that Eric has enveloped me in a another big bear hug with his face snuggled in the crook of my neck.

I wiggle around successfully to peek over his body to see the time 8:01 am, I groan and start shaking Eric's shoulder to try and wake him up, "babe? Babe? BABE!" I end up yelling in his ear which makes him sit up immediately and check his surroundings for an possible threats before he finds out that it was me who woke him, he obviously doesn't see me as a threat as he lays back down and goes back to sleep.

"Waaake uuuuup eric" I whine as I shove him off the bed and this time he does take notice, he looks at me while holding a hand under his head "what do you want?" He asks exasperated and I look at him with a duh look "we have our first scan this morning at 9, it's now 8:03, we have to get ready" I tell him as I hop out of the bed and step onto the cold floor and walk over to his closet and start taking out fresh clothes, including some warm fluffy socks.

I then walk into the bathroom and leave Eric on the floor and close the door, I don't bother locking it because no matter what he still always finds a way in, I take off my pjs which consists of one of Eric's shirts and my panties, I remove both and turn the shower on and wait for the water to heat up, one of the perks of being a leader I suppose, is having hot water.

Once the water warms up enough, I step in and stand directly under the spray, letting the hot water fall on me and warm my chilled body, and it isn't long before I hear the door open and a quick breeze before once again, I'm not alone in the shower as Eric wraps his arms around me and nuzzles my neck "ahhh why did we have to have an early appointment?" He whines and I chuckle at him.

"Because stage 2 starts today and you said that it's best we get this out of the way first, since you won't tell me what happens in stage 2" I reply to him and he grunts in annoyance which makes me chuckle once more, but then he puts his big bear hands on my stomach which makes me stop giggling and place my hands on his, and we just stand there under the nice hot water, but then I push his hands off and turn to face him.

I put my arms around his neck and lean in to give him a quick peck "we can't take too long, we still need breakfast" I explain it him as I reach behind him for a toothbrush and the toothpaste and I start brushing my teeth as Eric washes his hair, and once we've finished off with our shower, we both hop out and quickly get dressed before exiting the bathroom together and both ready.

I quickly sit on the bed and reach for my boots and quickly pull them on with my fuzzy socks and groan "you really need to invest in some carpet" I say and he just laughs "a dauntless can live without carpet" he replies and I mutter under my breath "not this dauntless" and I hope he didn't hear me.

We are then both out of his apartment and he places his arm around my waist and we walk off together towards the infirmary.

We arrive just in time as the doctor walks out with a clipboard calling my name and I call out to her, she smiles and signals us to follow her, we do as she says and we come to a room and she motions for us to enter and we do, to find that it's a normal doctors room but with a big machine at one side, both me and Eric take the seats next to the desk and wait for her to sit down.

"All right, how are you this morning Aurelia? I'm Dr Pedrad and I'll be your doctor for the next few months" she explains and I feel a little bit more relieved that my doctor is nice, "are you related to...?" I begin to ask when she smiles at me "Uriah and Ezekiel? I'm their mother hahaha, I can tell you weren't expecting that" she laughs and I just nod at her.

"Now for the reason of why we're here, we are here for your first scan is that correct? She asks me and I nod " yes, but we found out that I was pregnant a while back when we were in amity on a training exercise for stage 1" I explain and she just nods "and how long have you been sexually active?" She asks me and my mind draws a blank.

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