Chapter 26: Let's Play a Game

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Okay guys, if you have issues with the fears stage or have any phobias then I advise you skip this chapter, otherwise swear at the spoiler, please watch and enjoy the clip after reading this chapter, or you could watch it first and read later mwhuaha 😈

*bang bang bang bang*

I reluctantly open my eyes to that annoying insistent banging which can only come from the damn pipe four keeps using to wake us up every morning, or the mornings that I've been here that is.

Everyone groans and curses to the wake up call,myself included, but I sit up so that I don't have the urge to fall asleep again when four stops banging the pipe " you've got 30 minutes to get dressed, eat, then be at the simulation room" and that's all he says before walking back up the stairs, with that damn pipe.

Somehow during the time that I woke up and after four finished speaking I start to feel a familiar turning in my stomach that I recognise immediately, I look to see Christina and Tris look at me in concern but before they could open their mouths, I hop out of bed and run for the bathroom where I barely reach the toilet and dump all my dinner from last night into the bowl.

*ewwws, aww gross, sick man*

I ignore everyone's verbal disgust and continue coughing up into the bowl when I feel someone grab my hair back, I don't look back but continue vomiting until  I can't any longer, then I just stay seated near the bowl with my head still hanging over it when someone gently pulls me back. I then find a glass of water in my hand and I gulp it down like its the last thing on earth.

"You'll be alright, shhhh" I hear tris say while rubbing my back soothingly, I say nothing and let her continue while I try to deal with my nausea, soon enough thank god, it begins to pass and I start feeling better, I bring my head up and look behind me to smile at tris and she stops " you okay now?" She asks and I nod " yeah I'm okay, just morning sickness, now, let's go eat" I say and I stand up which leaves tris looking confused.

Soon enough we are both walking out of the dorms and rush to the lunch hall and I pray that there is still some food left.

My prayers are answered when I see everyone still eating at one of the tables and I run over to them and sit next to Uriah and start grabbing the nearest food next to me, which turns out to be bacon and I dig into it, earning a surprised look from Uriah " well hello stranger, when did you drop in? Where were you?" He asks and I just keep piling my tray with food before looking back at him.

"Morning sickness, you don't want to know, now I'm hungry" I quickly recap before I start piling the bacon and sausages onto two slices of toast and then dip it into sauce before taking a huge bite, oh my god, I love food soo much, especially bacon, I end up devouring two whole sandwiches as well as a banana and milkshake, not even Uriah could keep up with me " so do you think you'll start like this every morning?" Christina asks and I shrug.

" I don't know, I'll have to ask the doc, but I'd say so, which means I might end up fat" I say while sipping on the last of my milkshake " aww Aurelia don't you worry, we'll still love you, especially because there will be more to love" will says and I look at him, Christina punches him in the arm " what?? Oh I didn't mean....that... You know that we don't love you now..or...or" will stutters and I start laughing.

" it's fine will, I know you mean well, it's just, I don't think I'm ready to be fat, what if I'm not desirable any longer?" I ask, the table goes quiet " then he would be a stupid fucking idiot that wouldn't deserve you, or your baby" Lynn says and I start laughing, she really could be honest, so it's good that she and al are together, or at least I think they're together, I don't know, yet.

" thank you Lynn" I tell her and she smiles as she falls into Al's embrace "anytime red, I'll tell it like it is" she says and then Christina does the obvious candor thing " then tell us if you and Al are a thing, you're killing me" Christina says and we all start snorting with laughter, unsurprisingly we're probably the only table of initiates that still manage to laugh.

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