I can't believe you

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"....don't worry your daughter is in good hands" my dad said before shutting the door and turning around to face Jessie and I.

"So girls you guys can do whatever you like you can go play tennis, go out to the horse stables, and so on but no pool unless I'm downstairs and yes I know your CPR certified Hazel but still" he told us

"Alright dad remember to watch the boys" I told him running up the stairs and Jessie quickly on my tail.

"YEAH, YEAH" he yelled laughing a bit.

We walked into my room and I shut the door behind us.

" wow your room well and the house is huge and amazing" She told me setting her things down in front of my bed.

I shrugged" it's just a house to me"

"Yeah I suppose" she told me.

I thought for a second trying to think of something to do.

"Do you want a tour of the house and then afterwards do you want to go horse back riding "I asked her.

" Sure"

All through the house she was amazed with everything. We went back up to my room and I let her borrow my extra set of riding clothes. After getting changed and braiding our hair we went back down stairs. We walked into the kitchen where dad was feeding little Freddie and Hendrix was coloring.

"Dad were going out to the stables will be back in a bit" I told him.

" Alright well be careful"

We walked down the the stables and loaded the horses up. We began riding around the huge property.

"Wow this is amazing" jessie exclaimed as we got to the stream.

" it is isn't it" I said thinking a bit.

"Yeah I've never seen such an extravagant house and everything heck you guys have a party barn I've never heard of such a thing" she laughed.

"you should have seen the party barn when uncle Freddie would plan things" I said that before I had time to register what I really said.

Sadness washed over me and I closed my eyes. I opened them back up quickly. I looked at Jessie who had a very concerned look on her face.

" are you okay" she asked me.

" I'm fine just a little emotional that's all" I told her putting on a fake smile before continuing "come on let's head back to the stables and see my mom is home yet"

After much hassle since McCartney ,the female horse, didn't want to go in the stable. Eventually she went in after giving her a apple. Lennon ,the boy horse, went in with ease. Usually it's the other way around most days.

We walked back up the hill and inside. I heard mom and dad talking in the living room.

"We can't send her to California to stay with Mika " my father told my mother.

"Well it wouldn't be forever it would only be for a few weeks maybe three and it might help her ya know... the doctor says that a new surrounding and time to get away might be good for her they said that she's quickly approaching full depression" I looked at Jessie who was looking at me.

I was in disbelief at what they were saying. They were going to send there only daughter away to her Aunt for 3 weeks. Send me away so they don't have to deal with me. It wasn't going to help me only make things worse.

"I suppose your right but I don't know" my dad said.

I barged into the living room and they both turned and looked at me.

"Your gonna send your only daughter away because I'm sad I'm going to be sad...I mean I only lost the person that meant the most to me about 6 months ago and I was only holding his hand when he died, I was in the room" I started crying as there stared at me shocked.

" and your going to send me away because I'm sad" I ran upstairs not taking much of them anymore.

They called out my name but I ignored them. I locked myself in my room. I fell to the ground crying. Tears poured and all I wanted at the moment was only one person. The only person that cheered me up when I was sad and the only person I believe really cared about me. Now that person was gone.

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