No common sense

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September 1st,1996

Today was my first day of real school. I was going to be in High school and in 9th grade. I've never been to real school ever so today was a nerve wracking day. Mom and Dad decided since there wasn't gonna be touring and much music anymore that starting school would be good for me.

Currently I was in the Romeo and Dad was in the passenger seat. Dad was talking and giving me tips. I just nodded as my mind was somewhere else. I was wandering what it would have been like of Freddie was there to see me start high school. I wandered what his advice would be.

Probably: don't let anyone give you Shit darling tell them to fuck off. I smiled ear to ear thinking of what he would say.

" Did you hear me?" Dad asked snapping me out on my daze.

" oh yeah,yeah...I'll be fine dad okay, Jess is supposed to be there and help me with all of my classes"

We pulled up to the school and dad looked at me.

" I know I just can't believe my little girl is starting High school " he pretended to get treated up so I hugged him.

" I'll be fine Dad okay?...I love you"

"I love you too"

I got out of the car and waved goodbye. I walked to the front steps and noticed the other kids staring at me. I blew it over and walked inside to the lobby. There I met Jess. We looked quite similar to be honest. Mum told me we look like sisters.

Mentioning of sisters mum and dad had another kid two years ago. Her names Tiger lily and it's nice to finally have a sister.

" HAZEL" Jess exclaimed running over and hugging me tightly.

We hadn't seen each other since before summer since I went to go stay with Mika and Matt every summer.

"Jess it's only been like 3 months" I told her as we pulled away, laughing alittle.

"It's felt like 10 years so don't Judge me for missing you" she defended herself but laughing as well.

After our reunion we walked to the office to get my schedule and then she helped me find all my classes. I had originally had no classes with Jess but Dad being dad he had them all changed. Now I had every class with Jess except for band.

Now time to start this thing called school.

Later that day

Time for my last class of the day. Band. I was extremely excited for band. Now of course I play a few instruments but I still haven't chosen the instrument I was going to play since I didn't know what was open.

I walked into the classroom and all eyes were glued to me. Now I know how Freddie felt. Thinking of Freddie made waves of emotions go through me like electricity. The yellow sweatshirt of his that I grew into a bit more comforted me. All of Freddie's things that I owned don't smell like him anymore except for one thing.

His guitar. The smell radiated off of it and I was thankful that it stayed. I awkwardly walked over to the back row of chairs as everyone averted there attention back to their instruments. I sighed and looked around as the teacher was late. I noticed the piano and couldn't resist it.

I got up and walked over to the piano. I sat down at the magnificent looking instrument that laid before me. I began playing what I knew the best. Somebody to love. I could play this song without crying. The memories and emotion always came to mind but I could hold tears back.

I played the song through and through without missing a note. I added in things I remembered Freddie showing me. I got so into it I was singing without realizing it. My voice had matured alot more so thing making me harmonize better with the song.

Once I stopped, however, all eyes were in me. You could hear a pencil drop and someone whisper "that's who she is I knew she looked familiar".
I noticed the teacher at the podium.

"Ms.Taylor see me after class" Mr.Augustine told me.

Oh shit!

"Yes sir" I mumbled returning back to my seat.

What a long year this is gonna be...

Too Much Love Will Kill YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ