Long time no see

366 13 1

September 2nd, 2009

"Come on Freddie" I called to my son who was playing in the swings at the park.

Noel and I had gotten married in late 2001 and we had 2 kids the past 4 years. One was Freddie who was 4 ,obviously named after my uncle Freddie but also his Uncle Freddie who was my brother. The other was Janis named after Janis Joplin and she was 1.

Noel and I were still going strong and I was thankful for that. I loved him to pieces and couldn't imagine life without him. Sadly though him and Liam were on bad terms. Noel had quit the band and today they were signing the papers of the official split.

"I'm coming Mummy" he then stopped and stared at me.

"What's wrong Freddie are you okay?" I asked him as I held Janis on my hip Janis.

"There's a man behind you" He said this and immediately turned around to see no one.

"Honey there's no man there" I was frightened at this point. Maybe he hit his head.

"No mummy there is he has a black mustache, tan skin, and he has these warm brown eyes he says his name is Freddie like mine"

My heart raced once he said that. I turned around just to look at nothing but the trees. I reached my hand out where I thought Freddie's head would be.

"Your touching his head mummy.. he says he loves you and misses you and that you should try to stay safe today"

I looked at my son for a moment and turned back around.

I then whispered "I love you too Freddie"

I turned back to my son and held my hand out. He laced his little hand in mine before walking out of the park.

"Mummy who was that man? Did you know him" Freddie asked me as we turned the next block.

I thought for a second deciding to finally talk about the man I loved do much.

"Yes I did...I knew him very well he pretty much raised me...he's the reason why I am the way I am today" I told him this and he nodded.

He seemed to be thinking as if none of that added up.

"But why did he have Angel wings isn't he alive" god this is harder than expected.

"No Little man he isn't he passed away a very long time ago" I stopped before continuing "have you seen him before?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and looked exactly like his father at that age. His blonde but brown undertoned hair, somewhat thick eyebrows, the Gallagher smile, and as Liam referred them to as "the Gallagher blue eyes".

"Yes I have but in my dreams not in real life" He explained to me.

After that nothing was said we just continued walking. As we arrived home Noel was in the living room watching TV.

"Freddie go get washed up were going out to eat" he nodded saying okay mummy before running upstairs.

"Back early aren't we" I asked Noel as I sat down beside him.

He then picked up little Janis who also possessed alot of her dad's features "yeah but I'm glad to be home and be with my family but anyways how was the park"

My heart sped up some thinking of what happened but sadness quickly washed over me.

Noel ran his hand over my face "what's wrong? Did something happen"

I shook my head yes sighing "yeah it was wierd Freddie saw Freddie"

Noel's eyebrows scrunched together giving me a odd look.


I then explained to him everything that happened.

"Wow...that's...wow" that's all he could say.

"Let's just forget about it and go get some food"

We left about 10 minutes later. As Noel and little man were talking about the beatles, he's so mature and advanced although just being 4, and Janis babbled as I reflected my life. It was pretty great. I mean losing Freddie,losing touch with my family, brian and John as well, and a few other bumps it wasn't the worst thing.

I mean I missed all of them and couldn't deny that but then of all the good things. I was very successful, got an amazing husband, wonderful kids, wonderful step kid, Anaïs,from Noel's previous marriage, and everything else. It wasn't completely horrible.

All of us left back to our house and I put Freddie and Janis to bed. Noel and I decided to watch a movie.

"let me go wash up and change I'll be back in a minute" I gave Noel a quick kiss before disappearing upstairs.

As I climbed the vast staircase I got a unusual feeling. I shook it off and went to Freddie's room. I didn't go there often but after today I needed too. I walked in and noticed a man leaning against the window sill. Just like Freddie.

"W-who are y-you" I trembled as I was scared out of my mind.

He turned around and I gasped.

"Freddie?" I questioned.

Hello Everyone,

Next chapter is the last chapter. It's not that great but it will be published tonight.

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