It's a hard life

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The next day at school was something I wouldn't of dared to expect. Everyone and I mean everyone knew me. It wasn't in a good way though. People called me a rich brat, pushed me down, called me names, and anything else you could think of.

It got out on who I was although it wasn't a secret in the first place. I couldn't tell if people really hated me or they were jealous. I wasn't sure but I did know my whole day sucked. Jess wasn't there as she was at the dentist so that left me to sit alone at lunch. I tired my best to stay out of harms way but that didn't end to well.


I made my way down to 3rd lunch. Usually you could hear the kids talking and it radiating a bunch of talking from the hall way. Today wasn't the case. Today it was silent with a muffle of tears and things falling. Next thing I knew I heard everyone laughing.

I quickly ran into the lunch room and I saw a horrible sight in front of me. Hazel was on the ground holding her side, food thrown all over her, and blood running from a cut on her forehead. Standing above her ,also laughing, was GiGi Philips and her friends. GiGi was holding a milk carton upside down giving me a signal it was her.

I was irate at what they had done. I walked quickly over to scene. People quieted down as I walked and eventually it was GiGi just laughing. She turned around and gulped.

"Mr.Augustine I can exp-" I cut her off before she had the chance to finish her sentence

"ALL FOUR OF YOU. OFFICE. NOW!" I yelled as Hazel cried.

The four girls left to the office and the lunch room continued there lunch. I carefully walked over to the frail girl on the floor crying. I crouched down and she looked up at me wiping her eyes.

" can you stand" I asked softly and she nodded.

I stood up and held my hand out. She took it and I helped her up.

" it hurts" she whimpered wincing at the pain.

" put your arm around my shoulder " she did as i told her she put her arm around my shoulder.

I put my arm firmly on her waist and helped her out of the cafeteria.

" will get you to the nurse and everything will be okay" I told the sobbing girl to calm her down.

"No, No please I...don't want to go to the nurse" She objected shaking her head.

" Where to" I asked stopping in the middle of the hallway.

" just...somewhere else" I nodded and helped her to my classroom.

I cleared off a space on my desk and I sat her on top of my desk. Her tears had stopped but she was still shaky

"Im gonna get some things but I'll be right back" She nodded and I went go find some stuff.

I got a washcloth from the storage room and wetted them in the bathroom that was connected to it. I went back into the office where she was shaking a bit.

" here...clean the food off some" she just nodded and started wiping her arms and legs.

I knew she couldn't stay in the clothes she was in so I looked around to see if I had some extra. I left the room and to my car. I looked in my arms and evtually found some sweat pants and a tshirt. This shoud do.

I went back inside and to my office. She looked much better now without the food all over her.

" here go to the storage room and the bathroom in there and change then come back"

" okay" she took the clothes and went to change.

She was such a beautiful girl and I felt very protective over her. As she changed I found a bandaid at the bottom of my desk to put on her head.

I heard a small knock and she stood at the door way. She was in my sweat pants that looked baggy on her and the blue and black striped shirt tied to fit her better. Hazels Chuck Taylors poking out of the bottom of the sweats. She had also braided her hair. She held her dirty jeans and shirt in her arms. Overall looked very shy although she never was.

What happened in 4 years.

" me put the bandaid on you so it doesn't get infected" she sat back in the desk and I grabbed the clean rag.

"What happened" I asked her as I dabbed her forehead.

" I don't want to talk about it" she mumbled.

I looked into her blue ocean eyes and could see all the pain. She crumpled right infront of me.

" I miss him" she cried.

All of her emotions set in waves. I did the only thing I could do.

Hold her close....

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