don't you hear my call?

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I quickly caught the 18 year old girl in my arms as she fainted almost hitting the ground. I knew that she passed out when she would think of him being she would sometimes over think. I steadily picked her up and walked farther into the house.

I was almost in tears as the whole house looked exactly the same. The same furniture, decorations, TV, and even the same smell. After all these years it still had the same smell as Freddie. I gently sat her down on the couch and went to the kitchen.

The same plates still sat in the cabinets. The same pots,pans, utensils, and so on were the same ones Joe used preparing Freddie's every meal almost. Mary must have wanted to keep it all the same. She must have missed as much as we did.

I grabbed ice out of the freezer ,since there wasn't ice packs in there yet, and put it in a baggie. I grabbed a dish towel and a glass of water before returning to the living room. Hazel had started waking up as I sat down beside her.

" what happened" She mumbled sitting up some.

I handed her the glass of water and ice before saying anything.

"You passed out once you opened the door.

She just nodded her head as if it was a normal occurrence.


After a few minutes of just sitting there I got up. The whole house was the same and the smell was also still the same. It was amazing yet horrible in the same breath. As I walked up the beautiful staircase like so many times before I felt shaky.

I reached the top and my eyes darted towards the door. I walked ever so slowly to it and my hand met the gold handle. I held my breath and pushed open the door. As the same for the rest of the house it was still the same.

The smell of Freddie was very very strong in the bedroom signaling me that no one had slept in there. The last person on the bed was uncle Freddie and that's how it will remain. I did notice the picture on the nightstand and had to pick it up.

There was a very fine coat of dust on the picture frame. I wiped it away and smiled at the picture. It was a picture of Freddie and I. We had went to Hyde Park for the day. Freddie was sitting on one swing and I was on another. Freddie and I were grinning ear to ear holding hands as we swang.

I sat the picture back down amd walked around the room. I examined the place realizing how it looekd exactly like that day. The chair still sat there where I last held his hand in mine. I shuttered at the thought.i walked over to the nightstand and opened it.

I felt kinda guilty looking through his things but I was curious. The drawer squeaked and inside was a few things. A stack of Polaroid pictures with a sticky notes saying "put in P.A later", lighters,and a black, hard cover, leather bound book. The the leather book was very, very thick.

I picked it up and opened it. A little piece of paper fell out and on to the floor. I quickly picked it up and read it. " my life and thoughts" that's all it said on the piece of paper. I shrugged and was intrigued to read more. I flipped the first page and it began to read.

June 1964

Today we just moved to England and I'm so excited. I left so many friends behind back in Zanzibar but I feel that england would be a good place for all of us. I've been thinking about enrolling in art college but I'm not sure.

I'll probably pursue art I mean it won't be such a bad thing. Besides that I've heard of a few bands iv ebever heard of before. There's this one band called 'The Beatles'. There music is just amazing. Oh and also Jimi Hendrix.

Jimi is just I don't know how you say it. Hearing and seeing him just gives me a rush of ectasy. That's the only way to explain it.

I have to go now I need to help mom with a few things. Until next time.


I heard a knock on the door and quickly turned around.

" Hazel there's someone on the phone" Phoebe told me.

" thanks Phoebe I'll get it now"

I quickly went to the piano room for privacy and picked up the phone.

" Hello Hazel speaking" I said as I sat down on the piano.

"Ms.Mercury" American male voice said.

Who is this...

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